When empires fall, they do not go down gracefully. The collapse is sudden and the consequences are permanent. Like the schoolyard bully who is finally defeated, his former victims and enemies revel in his fall. The US empire is now teetering on such a collapse. The signs are all around us. Aggressive US foreign policy, self-destructive monetary policy that debases the currency and hides inflation, a monstrous national and individual debt load. The writing is on the wall and the wise are preparing. What can we do? On today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:
Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.
The writing is on the wall. The collapse is inevitable. It’s time to look inward for solutions and abandon this sinking monstrosity called the state. Start a commune and take care of your people. This crisis could be a thousand solutions for stateless tribes willing to Balkanize and coexist. Sh*t will get wild but strong, small, centralized communities will weather the storm. Build bridges with adversaries and we can weather it together. Queer Syndicalists link arms with Christian Patriots. Shia Muslim Caliphates link arms with Lesbian Covens. Libertarian Capitalists link arms with Libertarian Communists. This is our moment, for all of us. Together we are heavy. A thousand tiny islands of light preventing a second dark age.
I think people want to work but this system is out of whack, we can’t do or build a thing without middlemen, permits, unnecessary regulations etc. Unless you have money to burn you can’t afford to get sick. There must be a better way. It seems all governments have more or less “socialism” depending how you define the word, nothing to be afraid of. Don’t pay your taxes and see who owns everything in this beloved country of ours.
Yes. The state owns your paycheck, they determine how much you can keep. With the eminent domain ruling in the SCOTUS, the state owns your property and determines it’s use.