Adam Schiff’s Russia-Bashing Is Unhinged and Dangerous: Aaron Maté Interviews Prof. Stephen Cohen

At the impeachment trial of Donald Trump, chief Democratic prosecutor Adam Schiff has claimed that the US is arming Ukraine “so that we can fight Russia over there so we don’t have to fight Russia here” and called Russia a “wounded, dangerous animal.” Stephen F. Cohen, professor emeritus of Russian studies at New York University and Princeton University, says that Schiff’s rhetoric is “ignorant and debased.”

Pushback with Aaron Maté

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3 thoughts on “Adam Schiff’s Russia-Bashing Is Unhinged and Dangerous: Aaron Maté Interviews Prof. Stephen Cohen”

  1. I do not think I can bear to hear Shifty tell more lies. Stephen Cohen actually knows a lot about Russia and Ukraine, which Schiff, Pompass and other US leaders do not. Schiff is a complete ignoramus and it is inconceivable that so many viewers actually think his speech was wonderful. Trump has enough faults but this ridiculous impeachment farce as if Ukraine is some sort of needy democracy attacked by Russia, and Joe Biden is a good guy is ominous.
    As for the arms race, the USA refuses to believe it, but Russia is FAR AHEAD and its defenses are ready. The USA has only offensive behavior, and no real defenses; Negotiations and even PEACE seem a better idea, as Stephen Cohen says.

    1. Nice response to the dangerous Schiff. When did slow walking handouts of the U.S. taxpayer”s money become a crime?And his dangerous delusions of a state of war with Russia is not conducive to finding a solution that doesn’t produce mass murder a state of war does. The pall of H Clinton/V Nuland thinking that prevailed in Libya is blighted & dangerous better kept away from the Ukraine situation. Russia has too much leverage to allow the Ukraine to bacome the fiasco e have seen post Gadaffi in Libya which Hillary/ Obama are guilty.

      1. “When did using U.S. taxpayers’ money for purposes other than appropriated by Congress, namely to run an extortion scheme for one’s own personal benefit, become a crime?”

        Fixed, no charge.

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