A Military Distraction? US Hands Ukraine $125 Million in Weapons

In yet another example of President Trump continuing the bad policies of President Obama, the Administration announced it would grant $125 million in new anti-artillery radar and military patrol ships to Ukraine. Maybe a military distraction will take minds off of rocky financial waters and a coronavirus that has the world in a panic? On today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

4 thoughts on “A Military Distraction? US Hands Ukraine $125 Million in Weapons”

  1. And this is Putin’s puppet? Plying a neo-Nazi military with weapons of mass destruction on the border of the motherland of the people they have sworn to annihilate. You would have to assume Vlad was a donkey-brained imbecile to keep smoking from the Russia-hoax crack pipe at this point. But the DNC just keeps singing ‘pass the cookie to the left-hand side.’

  2. Some shipbuilding company promised to donate to the gop campaign….not hard to figure out. Ukraine…dumping ground for MIC surplus….both parties.

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