Peter Beinart: Why I No Longer Believe in a Jewish State

Political commentator Peter Beinart speaks to the Middle East Eye about his journey from liberal Zionist to a proponent of a one-state solution:

32 thoughts on “Peter Beinart: Why I No Longer Believe in a Jewish State”

    1. True, but the Zionists who totally control Israel are in the same position as the Aparteidists were in South Africa. Because of the path they have taken , it is not easy for them to extricate from the system. Israel also has way too much support from its supporters in the US , plus the free military aid, roughly $4billion a year now, all heaped apon the long-suffering US taxpayer.

  1. A one state solution would be anarchy and civil war. It is very easy for the liberal mind to be liberal at someone else’s expense.

      1. The West bank settlements effectively destroyed the two state solution; the Palestinians have never given up the hope of reclaiming all of Palestine and shipping the Jews elsewhere.

        1. Well, make up your mind. The West Bank squats are authorized by the Israeli regime and protected by the Israeli occupation forces. If they’re what destroyed the two-state solution, that’s on the Israeli regime, not on the Palestinians.

          1. The Israelis are grabbing all that they can-that is a human failing. At the same time, they understand, something that the left does not-that the Palestinians also want it all-eg right of return.Most people want just to live comfortably and get by, but the ideologues and hotheads make peace impossible.

  2. I’m not expecting condemnatory statements from Europe and the US over Israel’s continuing Palestinian genocide. The UN is about as ineffective as a whole.

    Critical statements against Israeli policy emanating from Russia, China, and Iran would place the latter three into a higher moral ground which surrounds other similar issues that would include Syria.

    More frequent Vatican statements from Pope Francis critical of Israel are better than abject silence.

    1. 1.There is no Palestinian genocide.
      2.China for example, still occupies Tibet-they can not occupy any moral high ground.They are buying up agricultural lands in Africa to feed their own people,Africans will starve. higher moral ground?
      3.Russia continues to expand their WMD’s.Higher moral ground.
      4.Irans new president murdered 30,000 dissidents-higher moral ground?
      Get real!

      1. And yet, your analysis doesn’t cover Israel or US crimes against humanity.
        You give the impression the US and Israel have the higher moral ground.

        You deny Russia and other sovereigns the right to self-defense or freedom from US domination?

        The Palestinian dilemma is Israel’s “slow burn” operation. If you access the Mondelweiss website, you mightl think differently.

        Do you only access the MSM?

        As to Iran, I might question the 30,000 number. The MEK is a forbidden organization in Iran, the explanation goes largely without articulating.

        If you’re familiar with the US-UK participation in Mossadegh’s overthrow in 1953, then your familiar with Iran’s troubled history with Western interests. They have no qualms about sacrificing proxies in Syria anymore than proxies in Iran or elsewhere.

        The US supported Iraq during the 80s’ Iraq-Iran war. How many Iranian lives taken could be attributed to America’s participation? The war cost Iran lost at least 500,000 lives. Who might have furnished Saddam Hussein with chemical weapons for use against Iran.

        Fast forward to about 2003 and the Iraq war.

        Russia, China, and the US are in Africa. I’ve not read about the first two nations overthrowing governments. If you’re interested in the US’ Africa operations, I suggest you read articles by Journalist Nick Turse.

        I realize I jumped around a bit. I believe some would term it “free” thought.

        1. If you have not read about Russia overthrowing governments, you have not heard about the USSR invasion of Afghanistan.What do you call the occupation and TRUE genocide perpetrated by China in Tibet, or its support of the genocide in Sudan? As for Iran,let us mention the treatment of the Bahai people,or its opposition to the Oslo talks.

          1. Oh, and by the way lets look at China’s jeopardizing world peace, with its threats against Taiwan.

          2. Never mind ‘ Israeli troll ‘, you are a clear Empire Loyalist. The Truth to you is irrelevant.

          3. When I have bested you in this dialectic,destroying your arguments,you resort to name calling. VERY mature.

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