Conflicts of Interest: Ukraine Claims Biden Is Causing a Crisis

On COI #224, Kyle Anzalone breaks down Ukraine pushing back on Biden’s claims that Russia will invade. Ukrainian President Zelenksyy says Biden is causing a crisis and hurting the economy. The tensions are reported to have boiled over on a call between the two leaders.

Kyle discusses the coup in Burkina Faso. After increasing jihadist attacks in the country, the military overthrew the president. The leader of the coup trained extensively with the US. 

Kyle talks about the security situation in Mali. The Malian government is working with Russia and demanding that Denmark withdraw its forces. The US continues to back France’s war in Mali. A recent attack on a French base killed a French soldier and wounded an American. 

Kyle updates Biden’s covid regime after recent court losses.

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One thought on “Conflicts of Interest: Ukraine Claims Biden Is Causing a Crisis”

  1. Black Rock and Vanguard want to get rid Putin so they can access the immense resources of Russia. This the reason they are pushing so hard for a conflict with Russia.

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