Chicago Tribune Coming to Senses on Ukraine War?

It was encouraging to see the Chicago Tribune publish The Rev. Martin Deppe’s letter "The error of NATO expansion."

It was a baby step back from the Trib’s initial bellicose support for U.S., NATO military support to help Ukraine defeat Russia on the Ukraine battlefield after Russia’s criminal February 24 invasion.

For the Trib, as well as virtually the entire US media and national security establishment, Russia’s invasion represented a titanic battle of good v. evil, democracy v. authoritarianism that required the $54 billion in military aid we’ve funneled into the war zone, but not one drop of US blood.

That was the "tell" that our war aim was not to save Ukrainian lives, but to further weaken and isolate Russia in our new Cold War to keep them out of Western European economic and political life.

After 109 days, two things to the "win at all costs except US blood" crowd are becoming clear. First, Ukraine can never push Russia out of Crimea and the Donbas. Ukraine lost Crimea in 2014 when they instituted war to crush the Donbas separatists after the US supported coup to upend Ukraine democracy. Now, they’ve lost the Donbas from their provocative and self-destructive refusal to implement the 2015 Minsk II Accords which would have granted regional autonomy to the Donbas while keeping it under nominal Ukraine sovereignty.  

Second, they are realizing that no amount of weaponry short of that provoking nuclear war will end the conflict which is inexorably destroying Ukraine as a functioning state.

That leads inevitably to the only sane and sure method to end the war: negotiated settlement.

Rev. Deppe’s letter hints at that inevitability. Can the Trib take the hint? More importantly, can the United States?    

Walt Zlotow became involved in antiwar activities upon entering University of Chicago in 1963. He is current president of the West Suburban Peace Coalition based in the Chicago western suburbs. He blogs daily on antiwar and other issues at

14 thoughts on “Chicago Tribune Coming to Senses on Ukraine War?”

  1. Jun 13, 2022 Vladimir Putin Meeting with Young Entrepreneurs, Engineers and Scientists – June 2022 ENG Subtitles

    Russian President meeting, speaking with, and taking questions from young engineers, scientists, and entrepreneurs at the Technograd Innovation and Educational Complex at VDNKh (Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy), participating at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum – June 9, 2022

    1. Very impressive to see a leader have an open, intelligent discussion with young intellectuals, knowledgeable not only about technology, but also economics and geopolitical implications. Conclusion, Putin is motivated by what is best for Russia, yet also, for the fair trade and development amongst independent countries, and has helped prevent Russia over the years of falling into the fate of Ukraine, where the people live as pawns of oligarchs and manipulations of international economic interests.

      1. Allot of people do not know what has taken place since the wall came down. This explains why this is happening today and why Putin has had enough.

        Nov 29, 2016 The Map That Shows Why Russia Fears War With US

    2. Putin is saying stuff extemporaneously that Biden couldn’t even read off a teleprompter. Is there some way we could get smart politicians too? That would be so great.

      1. As my stepdad use to say, “wish in one hand and poop in the other and see which one you feel first”, Christian.

        1. “Wish in one hand, crap in the other, see which one fills up first.” -Burgess Meredith, “Grumpy Old Men”. Got it on VHS.

          1. My step dad was from the 50’s and the culture revolution times. He was also MENSA. I got it from him!

  2. US politicians can take the hint when we vote them out. Nobody was elected on a prowar stance.

  3. Author Walt Z needs to know people are reading his blog. Personally, Commenting on it doesn’t seem to work (As, I have attempted it several times). Peace doesn’t work without effort.

  4. The real take away on all this is how obviously futile it always was, just like in Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam, etc.. People need to grasp that politicians aren’t just bloodthirsty, they’re bloodthirsty nitwits.

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