Matching Funds Are in Effect: Donate to

Thanks to a group of our generous donors, you can now double your impact when you give to We have secured up to $31,000 in matching funds, but we need to match that number in individual donations to secure the money, and that’s where you come in.

When I first started working full-time for back in 2020, I could not imagine that in just a few short years, the U.S. would be funding a proxy war on Russia’s border to the tune of tens of billions of dollars.

I could not imagine that there would be so much loose talk about the potential use of nuclear weapons and that opposing nuclear brinkmanship would become an unpopular opinion to have in mainstream discourse. Yet here we are.

The few voices in the West calling for peace talks and de-escalation are being smeared as pro-Putin, and the powers that be want to erase all relevant history that precedes February 24, 2022. But at, we’re dedicated to providing you with news and viewpoints about the current conflict with all of the crucial context and history they want to be forgotten.

To get our message to more people, I recently started a daily podcast to cover the many news stories I write for The idea was to bring our content to people that don’t have the time to read our page every day, and it has been a success. I’ve received feedback from many listeners who have never even heard of before they found the show.

None of my work could be possible without and the readers who fund the site. For this fundraiser, we’ve received incredible endorsements from Noam Chomsky, Douglas Macgregor, and John Mearsheimer, and more are on the way. Seeing such important voices willing to help us out has reaffirmed to me what a vital project is, and I’m honored to be a part of it.

Join us in promoting peace and non-intervention in these volatile times and make a tax-deductible donation to Give today, and every dollar will be matched!

Yours in Peace,
Dave DeCamp

You can listen to the new show Antiwar News With Dave DeCamp wherever you listen to podcasts, and the video version is available on YouTube, Odysee, and Rumble.

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