Desperation Or Suicide? US To Encourage Ukraine To Attack Crimea

From today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

The New York Times is reporting that the Biden Administration is considering giving Ukraine the tools and the green light to attack Russia in Crimea, surmising that a lack of Russian escalation to this point means they will similarly not respond to a US-backed attack. What could go wrong?

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

10 thoughts on “Desperation Or Suicide? US To Encourage Ukraine To Attack Crimea”

  1. Where’s all the phony CodePinkers (and their ilk) that we saw during BushHitlers wars?

    When you’re selective on which war you’re “against”, then you ain’t antiwar, you’re just a shill.

    But please, democrat warpigs, keep pushing that Ukrainian cannon-fodder into the gaping maw of the MIC’s greed.
    The MIC shareholders are looking for a good first quarter.

    1. Um, actually Code Pink has been disrupting events in protest of the U.S. sending military aid to Ukraine. There’s virtually no anti-war movement left in the U.S., don’t blame Code Pink for that.

      1. Code Pink also disrupted congressional events and appearances by then-president Barack Obama. They’re one of the rare anti-war groups that is anti-war regardless of which party is in power.

    2. What a simpleton this comment outs… All wars are different. Sometimes people’s homeland’s are endangered, threatened or invaded. In such circumstances a citizen or patriot is forced to take up arms to defend the homeland. These are not wars of choice, bUT wars of survivlal. This war in Ukraine was a result of the 2014 coup that brought the Russian hating Nazis positions of power to make war on fellow citizens in Ukrain who are Russian friendly and still are speaking Russian with outt any of Ukrainian flourishes created to distance themselves from Russians. Just some neoconservative scheme to start a civil war in Ukraine which they thought would weaken Russia.

      1. Sometimes people’s homeland’s are endangered, threatened or invaded.

        You just described virtually all war.
        All wars are evil.
        There are no angels in this war, nor any other.

        You can insert that up your puckered simpleton.

  2. “The New York Times is reporting that the Biden Administration is considering giving Ukraine the tools and the green light to attack Russia in Crimea”

    Remember when we were told the US WASN’T making decisions for Ukraine?

    1. Actually, if you listen to the people in charge, they’ve said it was a U.S. proxy war all along. Not in those terms of course.

  3. Ever since the end of the Soviet Union, the U.S. empire has tried to take over the whole world. This is just a part of that. This is neither desperation nor suicide (though it could be the latter unintentionally), it an egomaniacal and greedy attempt to create total U.S. hegemony.

    1. I see things just as Jeff does, only I believe that the U.S. and it’s vassals in NATO to be so weakened and far behind by the war on terror, that they are no match for Russia, China, Iran & North Korea…… that they will find out they have over reached once again and can only face another ignoble loss of more prestige than even was squandered in the Afghan debacle.

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