Ron Paul says Forget Ukraine! DC Hawks Dragging NATO Into Taiwan War

From today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

As NATO’s disastrous proxy war in Ukraine continues to sputter, many in DC seem to be losing interest in “Project Ukraine.” Instead of admitting the folly of interventionism, however, they are looking for bigger fish to fry. Like…war with China! Also today: Syria back in the Arab League – what does it mean?

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

5 thoughts on “Ron Paul says Forget Ukraine! DC Hawks Dragging NATO Into Taiwan War”

  1. Biden is all the things he accuses Russia & China of doing. He is a warmonger, after W was no longer in office, we got more and more warmongers.

    1. When Biden was a senator from Delaware, he was the leading supporter in the Senate of President Bush’s invasion of Iraq.

      1. Many Democrats voted for the Iraq War but started to oppose it when many Democrats lost their seats to Republicans & say they were misled by Bush. The only Democrats that do not say they were misled by Bush are the ones that have always been against the war & the ones that have always been for the war.

      2. He was also one of the politicians who eviscerated Anita Hill, allowing Mr. Clarence Thomas to be Justice of SCOTUS. He is also on record as calling Social Security and Medicare “sacred cows”. In the context of the negotiations for thy budget, when certain members of the GOP want to make severe cuts to the programs, I am just a little nervous. I don’t trust him.

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