Nikki Haley asks silly questions:
4. Why is China infiltrating the Western Hemisphere?
It’s not just the spy base in Cuba. Beijing is trying to turn almost every country in the Western Hemisphere against us, often using economic bribery. We need to get Chinese influence out of our backyard.
Haley is a politician and would never be confused for a good foreign policy analyst, but even for a presidential candidate trying to whip up the crowd this is ridiculous stuff. Is the United States “infiltrating” the Eastern Hemisphere when it sends its ships into the western Pacific? Are we “infiltrating” a different hemisphere when our government reaches agreements with China’s neighbors? No, that’s an absurd way of thinking about international affairs.
Neighboring countries in the Americas are not our property, hard as that may be for some people in this country to believe. China isn’t “infiltrating” anything when it does business and makes agreements with them. As for turning them against us, I can’t think of anything more likely to turn our neighbors against us than trying to lord it over them and demand that they cut off ties with one of their major trading partners because Washington says so. Haley’s would-be neo-imperialism is so crude here that it would probably embarrass Max Boot.
I don’t know how the U.S. would go about “getting” Chinese influence out of the entire hemisphere, and I suspect Haley doesn’t, either, because it isn’t possible and it isn’t a reasonable goal. It is the sort of mindless demagoguery that we can expect as the U.S.-China rivalry intensifies, and if left unchecked it will sooner or later lead to some very nasty policies directed against our neighbors in the name of combating “Chinese influence.”
Read the rest of the article at Eunomia
Daniel Larison writes at Eunomia. He is former senior editor at The American Conservative. He has been published in, the New York Times Book Review, Dallas Morning News, World Politics Review, Politico Magazine, Orthodox Life, Front Porch Republic, The American Scene, and Culture11, and was a columnist for The Week. He holds a PhD in history from the University of Chicago, and resides in Lancaster, PA. Follow him on Twitter.
Haley is a strong supporter of U.S. empire, so of course she thinks the U.S. should be able to do whatever it wants and no one else should.
Some people are running for President in the GOP primaries.
Others are running for that VP spot or a cabinet position.
Then there’s Fatso and Haley who are padding their resumes for a upcoming cable news gig.
She has FOX news written all over her and Christy-creams has his eyes on MSNBC/CNN.
There are so many Republicans challenging Trump in the 2024 Primary & only 2 Democrats challenging Biden. Newsom is not running & I don’t want him to, he is like Biden on foreign affairs, he said he would only run if Biden decides not to.
I wish there would be other Democrats running. I prefer RFK Jr over the other 2 Democrats. I wish there would be someone like Dennis Kucinich running.
There are 86 declared challengers to Biden for the Democratic nomination.
I mean… Technically you’re correct.
I saw that long list of Democrats, there’s also a long list of Republicans that have very little name recognition. There’s a Democrat on that list I don’t like, it’s Mark Stewart Greenstein. He’s a Dino (Democrat In Name Only) or you could call him a Republican In Democrats’ Clothing.
He’s also too close for comfort with Israel which describes most politicians of any party.
The Democratic Party represents the establishment and corrupts all those who become members of it. Dennis Kucinich was a rare exception, and his wing of the party no longer exists. I realize that it’s almost impossible to get elected as a member of any party but Republican or Democrat, but real solutions will have to come from other parties, because those two establishment parties certainly won’t provide any.
We see endless stream of efforts to redefine centuries old concept of Western Dominance for 21st century and beyond. Neoconservative, neoliberal, neoimperialist, neocolonial. All “neo” concepts so far continue to be transparent. The only visible change is redefinition of “Western” that now pointedly includes visible leadersip specimens from non-Western individuals representing the Western Dominance. Who exactly is in the innermost club defining and leading today tge Western Dominance, is of course not transparent. Do “they” even exist as a conscious leadership?
“They”, the leadership, exists. There is an undeniable homogeneity in all their public pronouncements on the matters of Western Superiority and Dominance. Individuals defending Western Dominance may have a range of differences in the strategies in how to achieve and maintain Western Diminance. But their homogenized content is UNDENIABLE.
They have upgraded their look and feel by diversifying the field of contenders for the leadership position in this NEO Western Superiority and Dominance world order power structure. They are presenting the new homogenized look, new feel and many new technological and managerial innovations for the new century.
Stated goal today is total dominance of land, seas, air and space. Socially stated goals are based on eugenucs, diminished role of family, religion or any other form of grass roots influence over the matters of “foreign” policy.
People like Hailey audition for the keadership role in tge order. Her task is to stay on task in advancing the order while selling its benefits to voters.
The problem the Western Dominance is encountering is a powerful competing order emerging in non -Western part of the globe. It competes in alm spheres — economic, social, and irganizationsl. And as Western Dominance is based on power and its projection the competing global order is likewise coalescing around new power structures.
These are changes due and perhaos overdue as evolutions go.
Will the Western Dominance order find a way to compromise with the new emerging order to advance evolution, or will it dig heels?
Russian deliberate entry into Ukraine signifies the first challenge to Western Dominance and its presumptions of superiority. This is the first, clear skirmish in which the non-Western order has embarked upon homogenizing their own order.
Objectively, the biggest and most important concern about this fight for dominance is to make sure that it doesn’t cause a nuclear war. The psychopaths running the U.S. think that they can just keep “poking the Russian bear” with no consequences or reaction. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine should have showed them that at some point they can’t (Russia took way too long to adequately respond to eastward NATO expansion by issuing hollow threats about red lines, making the U.S. think that all their “red lines” were just hollow threats), but they keep doing it anyway. Biden told his rich donors shortly after the invasion that we’re closer to nuclear war than we’ve been since the Cuban Missile Crisis, so these psychopaths know this, but they don’t seem to care.
To be clear, Russia isn’t exactly innocent either. Putin and others in power have threatened the use of nuclear weapons since they invaded Ukraine, which BTW I don’t support, and no one with any power or influence should ever do anything like that.
Compared to potential nuclear war, it’s a minor detail who if anyone ends up ruling the planet. I totally oppose U.S. or any other hegemony or dominance, but I’m not willing to fight over that if it could start a nuclear war.
America must keep you up at night. Thinking of ways to lie about her and paint her as the cause of your nightmares . I sincerely pity you.