Conflicts of Interest: Zelensky Cancels Elections

On COI #440, Kyle Anzalone and Connor Freeman discuss the latest news from Russia, North Korea and Israel.

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7 thoughts on “Conflicts of Interest: Zelensky Cancels Elections”

  1. Zelensky is cancelling Ukraine’s elections. He wants to stay in power. He knows a rival might make peace with Russia and upset NATO. He is letting his own people suffer from the war and wants everyone to treat him as a hero.

    1. The hypocrisy ought to be blindingly obvious….

      Zelensky himself was elected after a peace with the RF campaign.

      Then he lost the plot.

    2. We are keeping him in power as long as he toes the mark. It is my belief that the Biden administration constantly lets him know who is in charge. Z went off the reservation last year, started negotiations with Russia. We sent Boris (interesting name for the malevolent creature that he is) to stop is, put Z back on the reservation.


  2. The fascist loonies of rump Ukraine deserve this bug-eyed pygmy, while the rest of UA can continue to ignore his non-stop lies..

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