Talk World Radio: Dave DeCamp on Elliot Abrams and Warmongering

Director of World Beyond War David Swanson talks with News Editor Dave DeCamp about Elliot Abrams, Ukraine, and Taiwan.

3 thoughts on “Talk World Radio: Dave DeCamp on Elliot Abrams and Warmongering”

  1. If Elliot Abrams is always appointed to a position by the PTB, there is no need for an election, he might as well be POTUS, King and Extreme Court Judge.
    I wish Ben & Jerry’s, Code Pink, Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning & Edward Snowden could bring down the Neolibs and Neocons in the government and let them rot in jail for the rest of their lives.

    1. Yes, it is kind of interesting that he is given power no matter which party holds the presidency. It is obvious to anybody watching that POTUS is just a figurehead, that someone else is actually giving the orders.

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