Meat-Grinder: Biden KNEW Ukraine Couldn’t Win But Forced The ‘Counter-Offensive’ Anyway

From today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Sometimes the most shocking mainstream media articles are the ones that are most obvious. Over the weekend the Wall Street Journal revealed that the Biden Administration knew Ukraine had little chance against Russia but pushed them to launch a counter-offensive anyway. Thousands continue to die in a war even Washington believes is hopeless.

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

11 thoughts on “Meat-Grinder: Biden KNEW Ukraine Couldn’t Win But Forced The ‘Counter-Offensive’ Anyway”

  1. A meat-grinder, designed by one of the most corrupt politicians and by inhumane demons in the deep state, to grind people for the benefit of NOBODY–What’s not to like? (Sarcasm)

    1. it’s far bigger than Biden, the Neo-cons have been influencing gov’t since Reagan, Eliot Cohen was pushing the sale of arms to Iran for hostages, support of nun murderers in El Salvador, to both Iraq wars, Afghanistan, Syria, and Ukraine. Robert Kagan and his wife Victoria Nuland. It’s the war lobby who employs them at “think tanks” Get off the partisan, it only clouds your perception; the neo-cons and war lobby control both the DNC and RNC

      1. Thanks, Scott! I agree. Someone (could be Scott Ritter, Garland Nixon, or Doug McGregor) said it yesterday on YouTube. They said Sullivan, Blinken, and Nuland are Hillary’s people. While we succeeded in defeating Hillary in 2016, she is still the acting President on Foreign Policy with only her demons in charge. Let that sink in for a moment.

  2. Biden voted for Bush’s wars in Afghanistan and Iraq although he knew they’d be disastrous. He was Obama’s VP and supported his wars including the one in Libya and the drone strikes. As President, he may have ended the war in Afghanistan but imposed sanctions against the country and continued other wars and provoked Russia into attacking Ukraine. Biden hopes his foreign policy follies get him re-elected.

    1. Trump actually ordered the withdrawal from Afghanistan, (but ordered it to begin in the first week of Biden’s presidency) Not defending Biden–but it was cowardly of Trump to punt the withdrawal onto another president. Biden delayed the withdrawal for about 6 months; it never was gonna end well. Biden indeed supported all the neo-con wars, and instigated Ukraine. I have watched all the ill-liberal Biden tendencies and didn’t vote for either Trump nor Biden; though I appreciated Trump’s libertarian instincts on foreign policy, he’s no libertarian on domestic or economic issues

      1. I don’t like Trump but can say the few good things he did were: have peace talks with North Korea since his war of words did not work, said foreign countries should pay for US Troops to be there if they want them there, he did not start wars. The bad things he did were: scrapping the Iran Deal and reimposing sanctions against them, continuing wars that were started by previous administrations, rolling back trade and travel to Cuba, continuing sanctions against enemies, saying Guaido was Venezuela’s leader and saying the Corona Virus was the China Virus and sending a drone to kill Soleimani and supporting Israeli Settlements in the Occupied Territories.

        1. I seem to remember that Trump’s first Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, was working on peace negotiations with North Korea, and Trump shut him down saying he was waisting his time. Trump didn’t want Tillerson to be credited with a success there. Trump wanted to be the one to get credit for negotiations with Kim.

      2. You are absolutely right! Trump’s military is the same as Biden’s military. Biden bought extra timer for the withdrawal from Afghanistan, and the military still wasn’t ready, so if they had done the withdrawal on Trump’s timeline they would not have been better prepared. Trump’s withdrawal would have been just as disastrous as Biden’s.

        1. Well, a certain amount of chaos is to be expected whenever a losing force withdraws from the battlefield of a lost war. The withdrawal didn’t strike me as particularly “disastrous” in the scheme of things.

          But you put your finger on a key point: Trump’s military was the same as Biden’s.

          That military didn’t WANT to withdraw, and slow-walked preparations for the withdrawal. They hoped Trump would lose, and that Biden would cancel the withdrawal. Then when Biden won and didn’t cancel it, they continued to slow-walk the matter, with predictable results like embassy employees having to be airlifted out by helicopter, mobs of scared US collaborators rushing the airport and clinging to departing planes, etc.

          One of the biggest bunches of BS was blaming Biden for the plight of American civilians who were warned MONTHS in advance to GTFO of Afghanistan and chose to wait until the last possible second instead of doing so, then expected to be rescued.

    2. “Biden hopes his foreign policy follies get him re-elected.”

      And they probably will get him re-elected given the stupidity and gullibility of most Americans.

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