Navigating Towards Ruin: The Crisis in Gaza and an Increasingly Isolated US

An Interview with Former CIA Analyst Ray McGovern

by | Oct 22, 2023

In this informative and engaging interview, former CIA analyst, Ray McGovern, provides an honest analysis of the Gaza crisis, its history and context, including the new geopolitical realities that are determining its impact in the 21st Century.  McGovern combines a detailed knowledge with a gentle sense of humor to provide an account that will be useful to the informed as well as to those new to it all.  In fact, the interview is especially useful for the many who are misinformed due to the relentless bias of the mainstream media on this subject.

McGovern does not shy away from uncomfortable truths about an Israeli regime that many, including Jimmy Carter, have justly described as Apartheid.  For example:

Israel, not the Palestinians, is responsible for the recent bombing of the Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza and the bombings of other hospitals in the past;

Netanyahu feels that the US will be in Israel’s corner, no matter what it does, because an enormous majority of Americans are supportive of Israel, thanks to the propaganda apparatus toiling ceaselessly in Israel’s interest.  An example is Lyndon Johnson’s acceptance of Israel’s bombing and napalming of the spy ship, the USS Liberty, with loss of many American sailors.  Johnson covered it up and did not complain;

Israel, not the Arab states, initiated the 1967 war, an aggression which resulted in the Israeli occupation of Gaza and the West Bank;

The only fair and democratic solution to the conflict is a single-state in historic Palestine where Arabs and Jews have equal civil rights and electoral participation;

The support of the US is no longer sufficient to enable Israel to do as it pleases, because the “constellation of forces” is shifting away from favoring the US.  Hence, the US was alone on the UNSC in voting against the recent Brazilian resolution for a ceasefire in Gaza!

It is a brilliant interview.  Show it to your friends.

Ray McGovern came to Washington from his native Bronx in the early Sixties as an Army infantry/intelligence officer and then served as a CIA analyst for 27 years, from the administration of John F. Kennedy to that of George H. W. Bush. Ray’s duties included serving as the Chief of the Soviet Foreign Policy Branch, chairing National Intelligence Estimates and preparing the President’s Daily Brief, which he delivered one-on-one to President Ronald Reagan’s five most senior national security advisers from 1981 to 1985.  He is co-founder of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) and a lifelong Catholic who now works with “Tell the Word,” a publishing arm of the ecumenical Church of the Saviour in inner-city Washington. His website is