The Lessons From 9/11 Are Being Actively Ignored by Israel

As the US response to 9/11 demonstrated, mass murder and civil repression only create more war and less democracy

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There are a disturbing number of parallels between the events surrounding September 11th and the October 7th attacks against Israel earlier this month.

For example, as with the dozens of warnings the US received before 9/11, Israel also received numerous warnings about an impending attack by Hamas. As with unverified propaganda stories that emerged after 9/11 – such as the widely spread fairy tale about thousands of Muslims dancing and celebrating the attacks – fake stories emerged after October 7th, such as the one about babies beheaded by Hamas. As with the US government’s crackdown on civil liberties following 9/11 – such as mass surveillance programs and the censorship of anti-war voices – the aftermath of October 7th has also seen similar acts by the Israeli government, such as the targeting of government critics and the prevention of anti-war protests. And as with 9/11 and Bush administration plans drawn up in years prior to invade Iraq, hawks within the Israeli government have also seized on to the attacks as an opportunity to enact long-dreamed plans of forcibly removing millions of Palestinians.

In the years since 9/11, the US government launched wars against Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and Libya, along with routine strikes inside Pakistan, Somalia, and Yemen, all of which have taken more than 800,000 lives at a financial cost to US taxpayers easily exceeding $8 trillion dollars. There have been other costs as well, such as the creation of invasive spying infrastructure which still exists today, gruesome torture programs with zero accountability, and the opening of Guantanamo Bay, which still holds dozens of individuals who have never been tried or charged with a crime.

Not a single one of these wars or policies were justified by 9/11, nor have they stemmed global terrorism; if anything, there is evidence that the so-called “War on Terror” has actually created more terrorism.

Likewise, the October 7th attack on Israel does not justify their response over the last few weeks, which has included, among other things:

Collective punishment against Palestinians won’t make Israel safer, and restricting journalism and antiwar voices won’t strengthen Israeli democracy. As the US response to 9/11 demonstrated, these types of hostile responses often bring about the opposite of their stated goals. Instead of preventing further bloodshed, they create more of it; instead of preserving democracy, such policies weaken it.

Unfortunately, it seems these important lessons are being actively ignored by Israel.

Jon Reynolds is a freelance journalist covering a wide range of topics with a primary focus on the labor movement and collapsing US empire. He writes at The Screeching Kettle at Substack. Reprinted with permission.

21 thoughts on “The Lessons From 9/11 Are Being Actively Ignored by Israel”

  1. The current ultra right administration in Israel could give a sh*t about anyone not in tune with their plan. Anywhere, even allies. Palestinians will be exterminated. After turning Gaza into rubble, Israel will celebrate. Settlers will have their beach land, paved streets, parks, houses, carefree lives. American taxpayers will foot a good portion of the bill to rebuild. The extermination of the Palestinians will be forgotten. Just forgotten. Trips to the “holy land” by evangelist Christian churches will resume. The story of the building of the Third Temple (Red Heifer Project) will be wonderfully depicted by Hollywood. No mention of Palestinians, the dead Palestinians. Israel has the bomb. That is their wild card. Iran will wish it did not have a fatwa against having their own. We will lay the groundwork for Israel to use a tactical nuke or two on Iran. We are going along with a clear case of genocide by Israel, we will go along with Iran being nuked. We know a little bit as to how to use a nuke or two.

  2. Arabs in New Jersey did in fact celebrate after the attacks of 9/11, which is well documented, including eye-witness accounts from police. The international Arab/Muslim world celebrated that brutal attack on innocents, as they did after the massacre of October 7. So, off the bat, you LIE. Second, there are consequences for massacres of innocent people. Third, where are the Arab/Muslims and Persians who claim abuse of Palestinians? Why won’t Egypt open its southern border with Gaza? Why do Palestinians only have refugee status in neighboring Arab/Muslim countries, such as Lebanon, Jordan and Syria? Why does Qatar protect terrorist leaders of Hamas? Not only do you LIE, you ignore facts and realities that don’t agree with your bigoted narrative.

    1. Netanyahu said that the attack on 9/11 was “very good for Israel”. Britt Hume of Fox News broke the story of the “dancing Arabs”, who turned out to be Mossad agents. Arrested, then quietly sent back home. Filming the attack as if they knew what was going to happen. Britt Hume also described the spy network Israel had in the U.S.. Not long after, a Hollywood producer, Arnon Milchan, admitted he spied on the U.S. and would do it again. Israel has been occupiers in Gaza and the West Bank for 70 years, occasionally provoking Palestinians to do something irrational so that Israel can then murder Palestinians men, women, children, as a deterrent value, a message to others that Israel will do the same, murder their innocent children. What is happening now is policy. Murderous policy. I advise you to read “Gaza” by Norman Finkelstein. It is factual, with many, many references.

      1. And I advise you to read HISTORY. Jews have settled the “Promised Land” for 4,000 years. Islam is only 1,400 years old. “Palestine” and “Palestinians” are invented terms for nomadic tribes of Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, et al. None of these countries allow free immigration for these people, who are treated there as REFUGEES. Why? “Security concerns,” says Egypt. Jordanian princess is “half Palestinian” and her husband, the king, will not let one Gazan into Jordan. Why?

    2. You’re the one actively lying. It was Israelis who were seen set up with video cameras prior to the first tower even being struck by a plane and then dancing and celebrating afterwards. Furthermore, multiple Israeli nationals with direct ties to Mossad and IDF were apprehended by US domestic LEAs and some were held for many months on “visa violations” then allowed to return to Israel scott free.

      There were no celebrating Muslims documented in the USA and even abroad the claims were wildly exaggerated and/or fabricated.

      Take your Hasbara act somewhere else.

      1. “It was Israelis who were seen set up with video cameras prior to the first tower even being struck by a plane and then dancing and celebrating afterwards.”

        Any evidence for the “set up with video cameras prior” part?

      2. “Israeli” doesn’t mean they weren’t Islamists. Not all Israeli’s are Jews, you know? The evidence points to 19 mostly Saudi terrorists. You can make up whatever you want, for whatever reasons you want. Spare me.

    3. Whey does Egypt maintain its border security? LOL. The better question is why Israel stole all the land from the native Palestinians (the ones that weren’t massacred during the Nakba and after) and justified the theft with lie after lie. Or why did Israel think operating an open air concentration camp style prison would have no blowback?

      1. Egypt will not allow Gazan immigration due to “security concerns.” You should already know the Muslim Brotherhood (supporters of Hamas) want to end Egyptian government. Who “stole land” from whom? Jews have settled “Promised Land” for 4,000 years, acknowledged in Islamic texts! Islam is only 1,400 years old. Do you care to retract your statement? No such thing as “Palestinians” or “Palestine.” Invented term as catch-all for nomadic Arabs, Muslims, Turks, etc., et al, from Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Bedouins, etc. You lose.

  3. May 21, 2022 George Bush Accidentally Admits U.S. Is World’s Evil Empire

    It was the video that simply EVERYONE couldn’t get enough of – former President George Bush flubbing a line in a speech about what a dictatorial war criminal Vladimir Putin is by accidentally admitting that he too had committed a war crime by invading Iraq. And it’s not the first time Bush has committed a gaffe that exposed him as a callous, warmongering sociopath either.

  4. Make no mistake, the murder of men, women, children in the shooting gallery known is Gaza is policy. Deterrent policy by Israel. I am reading “Gaza” by Norman Finkelstein. The current murderous actions was done during two previous actions, “Cast Lead”, “Protective Edge”. Both involved provoking Hamas. Both involved the intentional bombing of men, women, children in shelters, hospitals, schools, UN shelters for the sick purpose of deterrence, to deter others against actions against Israel, even Americans as the attack on the U.S.S. Liberty demonstrated. I am pretty much in a rage.

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