Biden Mideast Policy In Shambles After Blinken’s Disaster Trip

From today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Coming off a disastrous Middle East trip, at which he was shunned at every stop, Biden’s Secretary of State Tony Blinken returned to a “dissent” memo signed by numerous State Department officials opposing current US policy. With poll numbers sagging for Biden – and even worse for Kamala – what’s Team Biden’s next move? All out war?

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

6 thoughts on “Biden Mideast Policy In Shambles After Blinken’s Disaster Trip”

  1. Start another war with Iran, Russia, China, North Korea. Joe Biden has no morals or can not think clearly.

    1. The ruling class runs things. Politicians just do their bidding. This is Political Science 101.

  2. The adults are back in the room, how sweet it is! After everything I had to hear about Trump I can ask for no sweeter revenge than a stumbling mumbling Joe Biden! To quote the great film Heavy Metal, “I die, you die, she dies we all die!”

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