A Christmas Carol From Hell

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is playing Ebenezer Scrooge on steroids, forcing his minions to work Christmas week. But unlike Scrooge, who was simply seeking more business profits, Schumer seeking $111 billion in borrowed US treasure to fund our lost war in Ukraine and Israel’s genocidal war in Gaza.

One would have no idea Schumer is pitching endless death and destruction in Ukraine and Gaza from this Orwellian soundbite: “The Senate will return Monday. That will give negotiators from the White House, Senate Democrats, and Senate Republicans a time to work through the weekend in an effort to reach a framework agreement.” Schumer’s ‘framework agreement’ is a framework of death.

Schumer is punishing his 99 Senate colleagues by keeping them in session seeking weapons gifts to Ukraine and Israel. The senators should be shopping for their kids, snuggled in their beds, instead of voting more 2,000-lb. bombs to bury Palestinian kids squashed under tons of US enabled rubble.

Schumer is simply perpetual war posturing. The $111 billion Biden weapons boondoggle bill can’t pass this year. His House counterpart, Speaker Johnson, heeded the ghosts of criminal war past, present and future, deciding instead to let his 434 colleagues go home for the holidays instead of voting for Genocide Joe’s gifts of death to decimated Palestinian kids and the collapsing country of Ukraine.

Speaker Johnson will likely revert to his inner Scrooge early next year by pushing the $111 billion weapons boondoggle to passage. He simply wants Biden to grant him the GOP wish list on border control to go all out for all out US warfare worldwide. The President has signaled he’s cool with that.

US foreign policy in the 21st century? Humbug

Walt Zlotow became involved in antiwar activities upon entering University of Chicago in 1963. He is current president of the West Suburban Peace Coalition based in the Chicago western suburbs. He blogs daily on antiwar and other issues at www.heartlandprogressive.blogspot.com.

9 thoughts on “A Christmas Carol From Hell”

  1. This is the time of year for the possibilities of Peace, Mr. Schumer, not slave driving and man’s inhumanity for humankind…. To put it in modern terms? You Suck!

  2. A quibble, Walter :

    “But unlike Scrooge, who was simply seeking more business profits, Schumer seeking $111 billion in borrowed US treasure to fund our lost war in Ukraine and Israel’s genocidal war in Gaza.”

    No, Schumer is EXACTLY like Scrooge in “seeking more business profits” – just for the MIC, not himself directly.

    1. And indirectly, on the topic of Christmas carols and Christmas music, may I propose that the only tolerable Christmas songs are :

      “Merry Christmas Everybody” by Slade.
      “Porky Pig’s Blue Christmas”
      “Mistress for Christmas” by AC/DC
      “Christmas in Hollis” by Run-D.M.C.

        1. And if it makes the Christmas #1 Song this year in the UK, I will also include Billy Mack’s “Christmas Is All Around”.

        1. Will accept his ONLY IF that DREADFUL McCartney Christmas song is not on the list. OH so BAD.

  3. World War One: “the war to end all wars.” 20 million died, nearly 3 million men died on the Western front.
    December 24, 1914: “… the ones who call the shots [in war] won’t be among the dead and lame. And [humans] on each end of the rifle we’re the same” – John McCutcheon’s song “Christmas in the Trenches”

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