New Hampshire House of Representatives Passes ‘Defend The Guard’

by | Jan 4, 2024

Defend The Guard has just passed the New Hampshire House of Representatives in a 187-182 vote!

H.B. 229 would prohibit the deployment of the New Hampshire National Guard into overseas combat unless Congress first votes to declare war.

The third largest legislative body in the English-speaking world has just struck an incredible blow against the DC empire.

The party breakdown was 163 Republicans and 22 Democrats in favor, with 156 Democrats and 26 Republicans against.

Thank you to every legislator who upheld their oath to the U.S. Constitution – protecting the lives of our soldiers should never be a partisan issue.

Thank you to our bill sponsors John Potucek, Tom Mannion, Michael Granger, and Matthew Santonastas for fighting for this bill in committee and on the House floor.

And thank you to all the local activists who door knocked, phone banked, and contacted their representatives about H.B. 229 – in particular Derek Proulx, who’s demonstrated incredible leadership.

This victory is the culmination of years of work by veterans, patriots, and others who are committed to our Constitution and an America First foreign policy.

In March 2023 the Arizona Senate became the first body to pass this bill. Our movement is continually growing, and over 30 state legislatures will have versions of the Defend the Guard Act introduced in 2024.

If you want to enlist in the movement to Bring Our Troops Home from endless wars and defend the integrity of your National Guard, please begin making a monthly contribution to our veteran-led organization:  Bring Our Troops Home.