Netanyahu ‘Working on It’ All Right: Completing His Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinians in Gaza

Netanyahu “working on it” all right: Completing his genocidal ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in Gaza

If a visitor from another planet came to earth and heard Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu say this about the Palestinians in Gaza, he might surmise Netanyahu was a pretty decent fellow:

“Our problem is finding countries willing to absorb Gazans…and we’re working on it.”

‘What a nice man to seek refuge for folks experiencing some sort of difficulty where they reside.’ the visitor might think. But if that visitor could get a glimpse of the genocidal ethnic cleansing with tens of thousands of bombs blasting nearly all Palestinians from their homes, cutting them off of virtually all food, water, medicine and hospital care, he would quickly view that ‘nice man’ as the monster he is.

Outside of the US government which is supporting and enabling Netanyahu’s genocide, the 191 other UN countries are horrified by Netanyahu’s campaign to remove every one of the 2.3 million Palestinians from Gaza. Even Netanyahu is beginning to squirm at the world’s condemnation of his massive civilian death toll which is destroying Israel’s moral standing in the world, possibly forever.

He first floated a trial balloon to send them all to live in tents in Egypt’s Sinai Desert. Egypt said ‘No way, Bibi.’ Just this week he began talks with the Congo to let them go there voluntarily, albeit using thousands of American’s best 2,000 bombs to encourage their volunteerism.

It would not take long for our interplanetary visitor to catch the next space ship back to his home planet to get as far away as possible from the grotesque madness being practiced on Palestinians in Gaza by Israel and America.

Walt Zlotow became involved in antiwar activities upon entering University of Chicago in 1963. He is current president of the West Suburban Peace Coalition based in the Chicago western suburbs. He blogs daily on antiwar and other issues at

14 thoughts on “Netanyahu ‘Working on It’ All Right: Completing His Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinians in Gaza”

  1. After Netanyahu completes the ethnic cleansing and/or genocide of Gaza, he will work on the West Bank and possibly some other places after that.
    Netanyahu would also like to ethnically cleanse Iran but that would be a lot more difficult. It would make him figure out why Bush, Obama, Trump and Biden did not go to war with Iran although Trump sent a drone to kill Soleimani and Bush started the War On Terror and his successors continued it and Obama started wars in Syria and Libya.

  2. What people can’t seem to figure out is the following syllogism:

    1) It’s physically impossible to move or kill 2+ million people in any reasonable time frame absent the use of nuclear weapons (which isn’t feasible in Gaza due to the proximity to the Israelis.)
    2) Therefore Israel is not actually trying to move or kill them.
    3) What Israel is doing is trying to start a regional war which it ASSUMES that the US will fight – and win – for Israel.
    4) THEN, once that war is over and Israel has “won”, it will cleanse the Palestinians in its own time frame and no one will be able to prevent it.

    Of course, the problem for everyone, including the US and Israel, is that the US and Israel can NOT win any such regional war. At best, from their point of view, after causing massive destruction of the region, things will go back to some sort of status quo.

    In reality, what is likely to happen is that the US gets defeated – again – and packs up its gear and goes home – like it always does – and Israel gets destroyed and six million Jews flee back to Europe and the US. Where they belong.

    1. Very interesting analysis and preschant. Yes killing 2 million mostly woman& children seems 2B an impossible task and could run unimaginable risks for a country with no, or nearly zero strategic deapth.

  3. I saw something one time that leads me to believe that visitors are indeed here, but they are here to study the only thing unique to this planet that cannot be found anywhere else in the universe: our minds.

    Specifically how we perceive, think, and communicate.

    I know it sounds looney, but think about it. Any organic or inorganic resource is found in abundance all over the place in the universe, heck we have entire gas giants in our own solar system that are packed full of hydrocarbons (while we fight over the same thing here).

    Life is unique to the world on which it develops. Even the same creature, raised in a different environment, will be different from it’s cousins in other regions (see Darwin). Even more unique is the way those life forms think act and communicate.

    So if they are interested in anything here, it will be our minds and the minds of those lifeforms that share this world with us.

  4. I think we have had “visitors” and they said: Earth?…. You can have it…
    Who the hell wants to live on Earth?! When we can blow ourselves up, at any given moment?!

  5. Jan 6 2024 South Africa Charges Israel With GENOCIDE In International Court Of Justice

    South Africa, a nation with some familiarity with unequal treatment of its citizens, has charged Israel with genocide in the international court of justice. This is a major move, as it could cause other nations to join in the suit and snowball into a calamity for Israel not only in the ICJ but also in the court of public opinion.

  6. Genocide, Naked Genocide, Not even trying to hide it Genocide. Morally depraved murders of innocent woman & CHILDREN: Immoral Monsters at work with a do not disturb sign as the blood sprays their slaughter!!!

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