Conflicts of Interest: Does Netanyahu See War in Lebanon as Key to Keeping Power?

On COI #525, Kyle Anzalone discusses the wars in Ukraine and Israel.

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2 thoughts on “Conflicts of Interest: Does Netanyahu See War in Lebanon as Key to Keeping Power?”

  1. Jan 12, 2024 “Gaslighting & Cherry-Picking”: How Israel Is Defending Itself at World Court on Charges of Genocide

    The second day of South Africa’s case against Israel at the International Court of Justice at The Hague saw Israel take the stand, defending against accusations that its government is committing genocide against Palestinians in Gaza.

  2. If the idiot that is Bibi thinks that expanding the war into Lebanon is the correct Jeopardy answer, he is really, really mistaken. So far, Hezbollah has been cool, not climbing the escalation ladder. But to launch a full on attack in Lebanon is to invite chaos.

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