Another Hundred Billion for War Weapons; Buy Defense Stocks Now

Last October, President Biden requested Congress spend another $106 billion to fund his endless war in Ukraine and his enabling genocide in Gaza. As a sop to normal humanitarian folks, he earmarked a measly $9 billion for humanitarian relief spread worldwide. To gain GOP support, $14 billion goes to beef up the southern border.

But just this week Biden is seeking billions more to replace the weapons he’s using in his third war in three years, this one against the pathetically weak country of Yemen. The Houthis governing most of Yemen are disrupting international shipping in the Red Sea in their quest to end Israeli genocide in Gaza.

While incurring longer transit times and higher cost to move goods bound for Israel, the Houthi activity impacts US national security interest not one iota. Truth is, US support and enabling of Israeli genocide in Gaza inspired the Houthi retaliation.

Should Biden cease endless weapons for his Ukraine, Gaza and now Yemen wars, everyone will do better. Ukraine can negotiate peace with Russia, genocide in Gaza will dissipate, and we won’t have to fire million dollar missiles to knock down Houthi bottle rockets in Yemen.

But as long as engineer Joe Biden powers the US War Train, war weapons stocks remain a ‘Buy’.

Walt Zlotow became involved in antiwar activities upon entering University of Chicago in 1963. He is current president of the West Suburban Peace Coalition based in the Chicago western suburbs. He blogs daily on antiwar and other issues at

4 thoughts on “Another Hundred Billion for War Weapons; Buy Defense Stocks Now”

  1. Peace In The Middle East?! What a marketing strategy! The streets are practically paved in gold! I want a percentage too! Lol

  2. I wish South Africa could send Genocide Sleepyhead Dementia Joe to the Hague along with Netanyahu-Hitler.

  3. Or, or, and hear me out here – don’t buy stock in weapon makers and mechants of death. I know Walter was being sarcastic after a fashion in his suggestion, but to divest one’s portfolio of companies (and countries) conducting abhorrent practises is a great way to keep one’s wallet and conscience clean of blood.

    It can work for you personally. In the early 00’s when the USA invaded Afghanistan and Iraq and Dubya was (somehow) re-elected, I ordered my investment manager to cut as much American holdings from my retirement portfolio as possible. Then when the Great Collapse of 2008 hit, I didn’t take anywhere NEAR the Ba’ath other investors deeply sunk into US holdings did.

    Vote with your wallets, feet, and pencil-and-paper in November (or regionally as applicable).

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