Macron Plans a Crusade

According to many French, both ordinary folks and politicians, their president Macron could think of nothing crazier to divert attention away from farmers’ problems and increase his low 24% rating. The leader of the extreme left, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, said so explicitly: “Pitting one nuclear power against another nuclear power is madness.” In turn, Marine Le Pen, who represents extreme right-wing forces, said that Macron is playing with “the lives of our children.”

More influential forces, such as the Socialist Party and conservative Republicans, also condemned “the French president’s muscle play.” Notably, in the run-up to June’s European elections, Macron’s centrist liberal party is significantly behind the left and right parties in the polls.

There were also no statements in the media in favor of this idea, and on all news channels, when asked whether France should prepare for war with Russia, the answer was an emphatic “no.” The same views were expressed in most European countries, with the exception of some eastern ones, primarily the Baltics and Poland.

So, then, how is our hegemon, “the leader of the free world” Joe Biden doing? The answer came during his recent annual address to Congress, when, instead of speaking traditionally about the state of his own country, he began immediately with Putin. “If anyone in this room thinks Putin will stop at Ukraine, I assure you he won’t,” Baden said, adding that although Europe is “in danger,” he remains “determined” not to send American soldiers to defend it.

As the New York Times ironically noted, Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson, who was invited to this speech, must have gone dizzy. Indeed, the threat of a Russian invasion of Europe was the strongest argument to attract new members to NATO for their own protection. But if such incursions were a real concern, the USA would have been obliged to send its troops there.

It turns out that Sweden and Finland decided in vain to trade their favorable neutral status, which allows them to stand aside from destructive conflicts.

At the present time, many Europeans, as well as Americans, are fed up with war. They are convinced that Ukraine cannot win it and the Russian threat is a fiction or a bogeyman to extort taxpayers’ money for its continuation.

Interestingly, the recently published book La Défaite de l’Occident (The Defeat of the West) has been at the top of France’s bestseller lists since January. Its author, the famous historian and anthropologist Emmanuel Todd, predicted the collapse of the Soviet Union as early as 1976 in his book The Final Fall.

In 2002, i.e., even before the US invasion of Iraq, his book After the Empire was published, already predicting “the collapse of the American order.”

Todd is also a critic of US intervention in Ukraine, but his reasoning differs from those who believed that only NATO expansion, the neoconservative ideology of democracy promotion, and the demonization of Russia provoked the war. He believes that an additional, if not the primary, factor in this interference is the American quest for global hegemony, which has not only jeopardized the rest of the world, but has “corroded the American character.”

Todd also argues that the global immersion of Americans in the world economy was a mistake and cites the following facts: “The United States is now producing fewer cars than it did in the 1980s and is growing less wheat.” But it’s not just that, since “economic problems are linked to deeper, longer-term cultural shifts that used to be called ‘decadence.’”

Too many people seek to manage and hold command positions. They want to be politicians, managers. It doesn’t always require learning intellectually complex things. In the long run, it has already led to the disappearance of those values that favor a deep comprehensive education.

Todd also estimated that the United States today produces fewer engineers than Russia, not only on a per capita basis, but also in absolute numbers. America is experiencing an “internal brain drain” as its young people move from demanding, high-skilled, value-added professions to law, finance, and various occupations that simply “betray the importance of the economy, and in some cases may even destroy it.”

Speaking of America’s internal problems and the negative actions it is taking in the world, the author emphasizes its violent spread of the liberal value system. This system is often described as some kind of universal human rights, but as a specialist in family anthropology, Todd warns that many of the values currently propagated by Americans are less universal than they think. “Waging a values-based war requires good values,” the author concludes, but, as he also ironically notes, “they are, to put it mildly, not quite good.”

Returning to the current “micro-Napoleon” named Macron, we note that he has yet again postponed his visit to Kiev. The explanations have changed several times, from security concerns to the need to first build a coalition of those willing to send troops to Ukraine.

The latest statement from the Elysee Palace says the visit will take place in the next few weeks. We’ll see if he postpones it once again, but it would make sense for Macron, as a Catholic, to go to the Vatican instead of Kiev, talk to Pope Francis, listen to why Kiev needs to admit defeat and request negotiations to reduce the sacrifices of its people.

Edward Lozansky is President of American University in Moscow.

7 thoughts on “Macron Plans a Crusade”

  1. “Too many people seek to manage and hold command positions. They want to be politicians, managers. It doesn’t always require learning intellectually complex things. In the long run, it has already led to the disappearance of those values that favor a deep comprehensive education”

    This is a weird paragraph, but based on the next one I think I’m getting the author’s message: basically, he’s saying everyone wants to be in a leadership position, but nobody knows how to do the grunt work.

    Amen… I come from a big family of entrepreneurs, even some (communist) politicians and nobility. I feel that a lot of us are “natural-born” leaders. But when I went to university, I was dismayed about the “cult of leadership” – so many people were fighting for positions in clubs, jobs, university, etc just so they could brag and put it on the resume. There were even organizations on campus designed for people to get into these positions alone.

    I noticed, as a natural leader, a lot of these “built” leaders couldn’t do anything; could not do grunt work, could not even lead! Command respect, tell people what to do. So you have to save the day, but the lord over themselves how they are gifted because of the title.

    I think what the author should have mentioned about this point, not just that we need more engineers or so on, but that the total idea of self-sacrifice as a key component of leadership. My hero, Saint Emperor Lazar, was loved by many during his life, and also gave his life for his people and his faith in battle. Our “leaders” now a days bomb far off lands, commit numerous domestic and foreign war crimes, and then they retire to some farm off in Texas, free from persecution, and having never shed a drop of their own blood for the people they represent.

    1. Too many reach for the stars, only to be snagged by the ever present Peter Principle.

    2. @ Hrvatski Lazar

      In paragraph 2 you write “he’s saying everyone wants to be in a leadership position, but nobody knows how to do the grunt work”.

      Lozansky doesn’t write that, and I don’t think that is how it should be interpreted. Lozansky means what he says: “It doesn’t always require learning intellectually complex things”. In the next sentence he elaborates that “a deep comprehensive education” is less valued these days.

      So what he says is clear: politicians and managers may not have learned to do intellectually complex things.

      Thus, they haven’t proven that they are capable of that. Whereas politics often does require that.

      Someone else recently wrote that maps can be inconvenient to politicians wanting to set out a road map, because there are many roads on them. It’s complicated. It would be much easier if there was just one road on the map, preferably in a straight line.

      I can relate to that. Still, I don’t think it’s just a matter of intellect. It’s also a matter of character and virtue, especially the virtue of veracity.

  2. My only complaint with Todd is he refers to Western values as “nihilism” without understanding the term – which actually has little in the way of definition, as is true of most philosophical concepts. Basically he comes across as a “conservative” and conservatives have some of the most hide-bound ideology on the planet. Not that “liberals” are any better, let alone “neoliberals” and “neoconservatives”.

    As for Macron, he’s delusional. Scott Ritter pointed out in detail on Garland Nixon’s Youtube yesterday exactly how little France can do military. I recommend everyone watch that exposition:


  3. Macron is skating on thin ice and playing with fire. He is making a much bigger mistake than Napoleon did at Waterloo.
    France used to be a much calmer, saner place. It was the biggest critic of the Iraq War when W was the president of the USA. France had no terrorist attacks. After Sarkozy and Hollande became France’s presidents it cracked down on free speech and made criticizing Israel a crime and made denying Turkey committed genocide in Armenia a crime but it is still legal to deny France and other Western Powers have committed atrocities in their former colonies or commit war crimes.

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