Back Door War: SecDef Admits US Troops in Gaza May See Combat

On today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

In a fascinating exchange US Rep. Matt Gaetz probed US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin about the role of the estimated 1,000 US troops involved in building a floating pier to deliver aid to Gaza. Austin insisted that they were not “boots on the ground” although he admitted they would be armed and would respond to incoming fire. Injecting US troops into a warzone requires a Congressional vote, Gaetz warned Austin.

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

7 thoughts on “Back Door War: SecDef Admits US Troops in Gaza May See Combat”

  1. I keep telling you people this entire situation was pre-planned by Biden and his neocons in concert with the Israeli crazies. The entire wider war in the Middle East is planned. The Gaza Genocide is just the first step. Anything the MSM and most of the so-called “alt media” is telling you is either a cover story, an inability to look deeper and ask the next question, or total BS. Only a couple analysts such as Alastair Crooke have a clue.

  2. Austin says the troops building the pier and delivering aid will be armed but he won’t let them fire back at Israeli troops firing at them.

    1. If they wanted real security they’d talk to Hamas.
      They don’t so they aren’t.

  3. The whole pier scheme is suspect and absurd as I stated before. Absurd for the way to pier is supposed to function .”The US is expected to spend at least $320 million on the pier in Gaza” This amount could double or more. Then”the pier would be anchored miles off Gaza’s coast and would receive shipments from Cyprus. Then, the aid will be delivered to smaller US Army boats that will take it to a causeway attached to the shore of Gaza, putting US personnel very close to the coast. Then Trucks driven by an unnamed partner country would pick up the aid and drive it down the 100-meter-long causeway. Then the biggest question is whom are they going to put in charge of controlling and distributing the aid to the different areas of Gaza ?

    1. Then the biggest question is whom are they going to put in charge of
      controlling and distributing the aid to the different areas of Gaza ?

      A suicide squad.

  4. Does anyone care to speculate on the possibility that this US-built pier and causeway just might spontaneously expand to into a full-blown port facility, and its missions spontaneously changed to provide support for Israeli drilling in offshore oil fields that should belong to the people of Gaza?

    If the US were serious about providing aid to Gaza we’d load up a fleet of Navy ships and roll up. Make it a training mission for the Marines and let them conduct a beach landing to deliver supplies. And don’t tell me we couldn’t bulldoze a forward airfield inside Gaza and convoy transports full of stuff 24/7. We did the ‘Berlin Airlift’ decades ago and we can do it again- all that is needed is the will to do it. What is Israel going to do- tell us to get out and shoot at us if we don’t? It’s not like they haven’t attacked us before, you know.

    This is a complete shitshow, and I blame our weak ‘leaders’ (in name only) for letting things get so far out of hand. The kowtowing to Israel has to stop, and the people of Gaza need protection- not when the pier is finished, but NOW. We have it in our power to do all of this, yet we don’t.

    To borrow a film line, “What we do in life echoes in eternity”- and this is absolutely applicable to the US and Israel right now. History will not be kind to Israel for its actions, nor will it be kind to the US for our inaction.

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