Deranged Lindsey Graham: ‘NUKE Gaza!’

On today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Looking a little worse for wear, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) took to the Sunday talk show circuit to demand that Israel follow the US lead in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and drop a nuclear weapon on Gaza… where some two million civilians still cling to life. Also today: House Republicans actually threw a party to celebrate extending warrantless government spying on Americans! Finally, what kind of Republican Party will we see coming out of the July convention?

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

12 thoughts on “Deranged Lindsey Graham: ‘NUKE Gaza!’”

  1. The basic problem with Lindsey is he seems to have his head stuck up his arse. Fundamental nut wanker. ;-@

    1. You’re too kind Donna.

      “fundemental nut wanker” doesn’t even begin to describe him.

  2. Why do the people of South Carolina continue to re-elect him? It just boggles my mind.

    1. He has an “R” next to his name and he occasionally says things that make ignorant 80 year old Southern Baptists (which is the voting majority in SC) soil their panties.

    2. All of the two party candidates, even the Dem, were just like him this time. And the Dem was worse. The Dem was groomed by Clyburn and totally corrupt. He scared people into voting for Graham. I voted Constitution.

      We had far better the last time around, but Grahmnesty gets Dem votes. It’s an open primary. Dems don’t mind a little war and genocide: Just don’t interrupt the free stuff! Dem voters don’t care about foreign policy. And there’s plenty of money to print, in addition to there being plenty of rich people to tax.

      It all changes when reserve currency status is lost.

  3. We must preserve a self-described (in so many words) ethnostate. I thought we were supposed to be all pro “democracy”. These people notice the inconsistency here? That you can’t have a democratically minded country when the eponymous people are referred to as “Chosen”?

    1. The illusion of democracy placates people so they don’t rise up against the ruling class.

        1. You often blame voters.

          Voters mostly lack free will. So, they can’t be blamed. The notion that everyone can rule together is absurd. If a person works 80 hrs a week or only 40 while playing another 40, in either case he won’t know much about what he’s voting on.

          It’s all about shifting blame to those who are blameless.

      1. Blame the electorate! Because the real rulers don’t want to face consequences.

  4. I assume the latest Epstein replacement threw the party, to reap fresh skeletons to further cement loyalty.

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