As ‘Project Ukraine’ Continues To Fail, a Desperate Europe Turns to Military Draft

On today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Escalation in Ukraine continues, as a desperate Europe holding a losing hand turns toward drafting its youth to fight WWIII with Russia. Will sanity prevail? Also today, “Trump-proofing” military aid to Ukraine is hitting some European roadblocks.

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

4 thoughts on “As ‘Project Ukraine’ Continues To Fail, a Desperate Europe Turns to Military Draft”

  1. Europe’s Misleaders In Chief want to draft people to fight in Ukraine against Russia, they are crazy and it will lead to WWIII. They would also want to draft people to fight to hasten Israel’s genocide in Gaza even if they did not say that.
    Sunak says the UK is prospering under his regime and it’s in shambles. He says its economy is growing faster than the USA’s, France’s and Germany’s economies and it’s shrinking. He is more interested in war than solving domestic problems.

  2. Doesn’t matter if they draft people. They don’t have the economic base to build the weapons required and they gave all the ones they had to Ukraine where they were destroyed. NATO is far too weak to engage Russia in any serious capacity, without the US – and the US military is weak as well.

    The draft, therefore, isn’t to prepare for WWIII – it’s to impose even more control on the younger Europeans who otherwise might be tempted to riot.

    And of course, being drafted might well lead them to riot. So once again Europe shoots itself in the foot.

  3. There is no such thing as a “limited nuclear strike”. Nuclear war has always been understood as Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) until now. Why do they think they can change the regime within Russia using Ukraine in the first place? Russia and the U.S. are the world’s oldest nuclear superpowers. To think a country with a population less than California was supposed to prevail is like thinking California can fight Russia without the help of the remaining 49 States. It was a pipe dream from the beginning yet we have shoved so much money and blood into the ground of Ukraine that one wonders what our leaders were thinking?

    I say this only partly in jest: Did the COVID-19 pandemic also damage our intellectual capacity? One has to go to some pretty dark places in one’s minds to understand how risking World War III over the claim that Russia will not stop their invasion with Ukraine is even a serious discussion. Constantly our leaders claim they have a crystal ball, with escalation justified on the basses that invading the entirety of Europe — or at least the old Soviet Bloc — is inevitable! Whatever happened to responding to what is rather than what MIGHT BE? Are we really ready to risk a hot war based on What-If and Whataboutism. We used to caution people to “cross that bridge when we come to it”. If Russia refuses to back down then NATO will do as it must to defend the rest of Europe. But for now, this appears to be about strategic and historic interests in Ukraine, specifically.

    Meanwhile we have war in the Mideast, war brewing over Taiwan and a border crisis so bad one wonders if the ultimate “plan” was to draft these European and U.S. migrants into the fight? (The Selective Service registration in the U.S. includes undocumented migrants. How do we know these military-age men crossing the border aren’t Biden’s plan for bolstering a fighting force given that so many American-born males are not fit to fight and have been increasingly endangering readiness over the past decade due to obesity, etc.?)

    One has to wonder where all the rational people went. Governments are supposed to send their diplomats to negotiate a solution long before they send their soldiers. What is conspicuously absent is that nobody is trying to deescalate anything, certainly not under Joe Biden. And when Trump says he will end the wars that the Left once insisted he would start back in 2016, they talk about “Trump proofing” in such a way they can impeach him again if he tries to slow down the emptying of the U.S. treasury to protect Other People’s Borders (OPB)!

    When you juxtapose this against the fact the President Biden has emptied the Strategic Petroleum Reserve — the one designed for war and national emergency — just to lower the price of gas in exchange for a few headlines about his effort to “solve” inflation and one adds that to the fact that our munitions reserves are almost as low as our petroleum stockpile, it is clear that we are NOT being set up to win in a World War III scenario. We are, in fact, being set up to lose and lose big. That is the only rational conclusion when one understands how nonsensical it is for our President to complain on the one hand that we have never been closer to “nuclear Armageddon” but on the other hand we have never been less prepared to *win*.

    The only conclusion is that the recklessness spewing from our respective’ leaders mouths is a coordinated attempt to pull off the so-called Great Reset that began with the pandemic. The ultimate goal is to win the war nobody is talking about as such: Climate crisis. That cannot happen unless the slate is wiped clean. No more paper money. No more national boundaries (warfare will destroy those). And no more faith in “democracy”. Once warfare destroys economies and lives they can usher in their new system of total surveillance in a depopulated world. A digital ID system and digital currency will allow what remains of government to track us for “security” purposes in a post-WWIII environment. It will be passed off as a means to keep the peace after the nuclear winter lifts. It will be passed off as a way to ensure we can ration what remains of a destroyed food supply so more people do not starve than “necessary” after their sociopathic leadership kills much of the world off. And ultimately, a global digital currency will be used to track everything we buy or sell for the purpose of limiting individuals’ consumption of goods and services, to contain their travel — all for the ostensible reason of limiting our carbon emissions.

    This is the way the global elite force us to stop eating meat, to live in 15-Minute City dystopias, to accept calorie rations and permanent travel restrictions. They do it by allowing the old “norms” to be lost to war and economic collapse. They do it by being EVIL.

    The anti-war movement isn’t just about preventing the loss of life or the destruction of the environment. In the 21st Century, the anti-war movement is also about refusing to allow our leaders to shoehorn us into their New World Order dystopia in a post-war hellhole of a landscape depopulated of human and animal life on this planet.

    We must resist like our lives depend on it — but also because we will starve and lose every last person who remembers what “democracy” and civil liberties actually were if we let a global war break us. The liberal world order does not have our backs! They have come to steal, kill and destroy entire economies for the sake of ushering in “Degrowth Communism”.

    Understand what is at stake and tell everyone you know to get their heads out of the sand before it is too late!

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