On COI #620, Kyle Anzalone and Will Porter discuss the latest news from the Middle East.
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On COI #620, Kyle Anzalone and Will Porter discuss the latest news from the Middle East.
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Israel will invade Lebanon. Where in the Middle East will Israel not invade? Israel dropped white phosphorus on populated areas and it's causing respiratory problems and damaging the environment.
It's not good enough for Netanyahu that he is bombing the hell out of Gaza so he'll start bombing the hell out of Lebanon and expand the bombing to other places.
The result, I dread, is that Hezbollah hits ammonia and chlorine plants in Israel. It is a possibility. On Judging Freedom, with Judge Napolitano, Max Blumenthal told him about a drone mission by Hezbollah, which went over critical areas in Israel, recording nine minutes of video. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/israel-warns-hezbollah-of-potential-war-after-drone-video-release/ar-BB1ow4c7?ocid=BingNewsSerp
Another pointless question. Israel doesn't have any choice if it wants to survive. It has to bring the US into this otherwise it loses both the Gaza war and the Hezbollah war, nor will it achieve its and the neocons' aim of destroying Iran. The only way to bring the US is is to attack Hezbollah and demonstrate that it can't defeat Hezbollah by itself.
The Israeli government is acting like a "suicide by cop" lunatic, going for broke because they can see no future unless they can convince the US to save them. Or at least Netanyahu is thinking that way because otherwise he goes to jail. People in his position have nothing to lose.
And the other crazies in both the US and Israeli governments are simply ignorant, irrational psychopaths with no perception of reality. They really believe they can prevail.
There's no other explanation, but very few people are capable of believing it. There is massive cognitive dissonance going on in most of the so-called "pundits" and virtually the entire US population.
IDF vs Hezbollah fighters on the ground would not be good for Israel. Without the air support, the IDF has real problems going head to head.
Meanwhile, Martyanov dumps on Doug Bandow. LOL
Israel will not lose. Why?
It will entrain the USA. It owns US government.
Failing that, Israel will use nukes.
It will probably happen.
Nuking South Lebanon also destroys northern Israel…!
How far would the radioactive cloud be carried by winds?
Just think of it as a large scale implementation of the Hannibal directive. Plus I am sure they have neutron bombs just for such "occasions".
Choose Peace and be chosen, or be lost forever, again and again…
Like I said: Even some Israelis see an attack on Hezbollah as "mass suicide":
Former Ombudsman Warns Netanyahu: ‘Israel’ Attack on Hezbollah Will Be Mass Suicide
Actually Hezbollah wants Israel to fall into trap and invade…!
It is possible that Hezbollah had prepared for it for years. Hezbollah may have learned quite a bit from the 1982 bombing and invasion of Lebanon.