Zelenskyy’s Ukraine has had a long and egregious history of jailing political dissenters, particularly those opposed to the current “forever war”. From banning opposing political parties to censoring media critical of Zelenskyy’s leadership, it seems indisputable that Ukraine has increasingly resorted to despotic measures to control public opinion.
In a more recent attack on freedom of speech in Ukraine, Bogdan Syrotiuk, a Trotskyist and anti-war activist, was arrested on April 25, 2024. News of the arrest was made public via an article and online petition by the World Socialist Web Site, a website affiliated with the Socialist Equality Party and the International Committee of the Fourth International. Syrotiuk was imprisoned by the Security Service of Ukraine and accused of treason due to his writings for the World Socialist Web Site, which the Ukrainian government considers a spreader of pro-Russian propaganda. This is largely due to its criticism of NATO’s actions in the region which was a major reason why Russia undertook its invasion in the first place.
Nevertheless, criticism of any government does not automatically equate with support for that government’s geopolitical opponents. In fact, the International Committee of the Fourth International made it extremely clear in its “Two years of war: Statement on Ukraine” that it opposes the “logic” of Putin’s invasion and supports a withdrawal of Russian troops.
Support for Syrotiuk on social media has remained strong with notable individuals like former Pink Floyd bassist, Roger Waters, making posts of “Free Bogdan Syrotiuk” on X. Additional voices of support for Syrotiuk, include Matt Taibbi, a journalist famous for his reporting on the Twitter Files, and a multitude of global affiliates of the International Committee of the Fourth International.
While Julian Assange may finally be free, it is clear that the global fight for a world free of government suppression and propaganda is a battle that has not yet been won.
J.D. Hester is an American writer born and raised in Arizona. You can find him on X @JDH3ster. You can send him an email at josephdhester@gmail.com.
Well said, well said! Dissent is essential to our democratic freedom and no one should ever suffer for such!