Conflicts of Interest: Biden’s Biggest Lie Ever?

On COI #637, Kyle Anzalone breaks down Biden’s claim he has done more for Palestinians than anyone else.

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5 thoughts on “Conflicts of Interest: Biden’s Biggest Lie Ever?”

  1. Biden has done more to the Palestinians than any other POTUS and helps Netanyahu do the same thing. Trump will do the same thing too.
    Biden is delusional enough to think he is not delusional and that he aced the debate with the other buffoon.

  2. It does not matter who will be POTUS. It really doesn't. Citizens United decision was the final nail in the coffin that contains our Constitution, our Republic, our democratic values.

    1. There is really only one antidote for bad speech, and that is good speech. Limits on freedom of expression, even financial limits, impair good as well as bad. If you are concerned about massive spending by corporations in political campaigns, might I suggest abolishing corporations by abolishing the state?

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