Conflicts of Interest: Will Trump Take a New Approach to Foreign Policy In His Second Term? Guest Dave DeCamp

Dave DeCamp joins Kyle Anzalone to discuss who Trump may put in his second cabinet.

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23 thoughts on “Conflicts of Interest: Will Trump Take a New Approach to Foreign Policy In His Second Term? Guest Dave DeCamp”

  1. I find it disgusting that so many people are painting the imperialist $hit puppet Trump as 'anti-war'.. Did not you hear his scheme to 'wink wink' lend Zelensky the money instead of sending him aid?! ffs..

    Didn't he drop more bombs/year than Obomba?!

    Didn't he tell us he was going to, 'Bomb the shit out of them?!!'


    1. I also find it disgusting that many people paint Trump as antiwar, he was not and he'll be even more pro war during the next four years.
      Trump may not have started wars when he was the president. He continued drone strikes and the wars of previous presidents. He sent a drone to kill Soleimani, scrapped the Iran Deal, rolled back trade, travel and diplomatic ties to Cuba, said Guaido was Venezuela's elected leader although the people voted for Maduro. He rigged Brazil's election in Bolsonaro's favor and they said they'd wreck the environment together, they did it and bragged about it.
      Trump says he'll be more hawkish and take a tougher stand against Russia when he gets back to the White House. He also says he'll invade Mexico when he gets back in.

      1. It’s unclear what he’ll do.

        Protecting the rainforest in Brazil should be a priority. Good relations with Cuba and Venezuela would be nice, etc. I don’t much disagree with you.

  2. Any Politician accepting money from Foreign Countries, Religious Institutions, can NOT be trusted. Any Politician caught LYING, should never be trusted. Politicians engaged in insider trading, should never be trusted. Fact, very few in Government can be trusted and that's why we have to STOP supporting the Uni-Party of the Zionist Rep/Dem. We want change, we want our Constitution to be upheld, the Rule of Law to be upheld, that means voting OUT the Rep/Dem. Our Congress, our 3 Presidential Candidates are supporting Genocide, that is NOT American.

      1. I think she meant the 3 Main Presidential Candidates. The Media lets the other Independent and Third Party Candidates fade into obscurity.
        Jill Stein and Cornel West are antiwar and anti interventionist.
        Obomber, Chump and Bye Bye Byeden tell lies that travel faster than the speed of light. They are like George Warmonger Bush, Nutty Yahoo and Tony Blair Witch Project. If they were Pinocchio, their noses would be bigger than the rest of their bodies combined.

  3. “To the entire world, I tell you this: We want our hostages back, and they better be back before I assume office, or you will be paying a very big price,” Trump warns in his speech at the Republican National Convention.

    I think it will be a lot like that. He forgot "like you've never seen before" after the "paying a very big price" part.

  4. Simple answer to the question: No.

    As I've said earlier, people are delusional morons to think Trump has ANY chance – or even real desire – of "draining the swamp." That's not how things work. It's kindergarten thinking.

  5. The Trump-Vance Ticket Is Selling Rotten Promises to U.S. Jewish Voters
    No red lines on Israel's war in Gaza . A green light for annexation. A nuclear Iran. A second Trump term, buttressed by his America First running mate, spells disaster for Israelis and Palestinians, for U.S. national security, for Jewish Americans and other minorities, and for democracy.
    The lights were bright on the red-white-and-blue stage at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee Wednesday, but as the delegates swooned for their hero Donald Trump, the speakers were gaslighting Americans – especially Jewish Americans.

  6. Vance is a strong supporter of Israel, and, like many U.S. Zionists, he attributes the allegiance to his Christianity.

    “If we are going to support Israel, as I think that we should, we have to articulate a reason why it’s in our best interest,” said Vance in a speech at the Quincy Institute. “A big part of the reason why Americans care about Israel is because we are still the largest Christian-majority country in the world, which means that a majority of citizens of this country think that their Savior, and I count myself a Christian, was born and died and resurrected in that narrow little strip of territory on the Mediterranean. The idea that there is ever going to be an American foreign policy that doesn’t care a lot about that slice of the world is preposterous.”

    1. That "American foreign policy" he speaks of needs to care about not just Israel, but Palestine and the entire ME.

  7. Trump and Biden are two sides of the same coin. Those who brought Trump in 2016 are the same who brought Biden in 2020. We have the illusion of democracy. And will bring whomever they wish.

    1. Why did he refer him to be "rocket man", threaten NK with destruction "the world has never seen", not promote the reunification of North and South Korea? Why did he withdraw from the INF treaty with Russia? Why did he trash the Open Skies agreement with Russia? Why did he provide Ukraine with javelin anti-tank missiles. Why did he authorize more drone strikes than Obama? Mr. Trump is no "peace President". In the nearly 240 years of the U.S., the U.S. has never been at peace for just 16 years. The meeting with Kim had some success, but did not convince Kim to denuclearize. Kim did and does not trust the U.S. after the failure of the U.S. to come through with promises.

      1. The Pentagon and the MIC is in control of America make no mistake about it.

        Feb 14, 2023 The U.S. has 750 military bases around the world

        The United States reached a deal with the Philippines this month to build four more military bases there, in addition to the five bases already located in the former U.S. colony. In total, the U.S. has about 750 overseas military bases around the world — more than any other country.

  8. That makes sense that Palestinians, and maybe Armenians in the Old City and others, will be deported under Trump. I wonder where “finish it” will finish.

    A deal with Iran could be aimed at limiting Iranian involvement during the cleanse.

  9. The death of an older man to a heart attack during an attack isn’t as terrible as ruining or killing children. It’s what’s happening to the children and the reproductive age adults that’s so terrible.

    What I mean is we need a new way to quantify this.

    Similarly, the Down syndrome death mentioned is horrific, but he never would have lived a normal life. So, I don’t at all say any of this is OK. I mean to say that some harm/deaths are worse than others.

    If the Israelis went through and killed or permanently ruined all the children and healthy young adults, leaving only old and the unhealthy, that would be next level evil.

  10. I’m not really concerned with trade relations with China. China will endure. However, I hate the extreme sanctions on Venezuela. I could be wrong on this, just my view.

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