The High Price of Becoming History

According to Reuters, in recent months the pace of mobilization in Ukraine has doubled. More than two years after the start of the war, the defending state still fails to recruit enough soldiers to even stabilize and hold the front line, let alone to advance. At the same time, as the local media suggest, it’s becoming more and more difficult for recruiters to fulfill their tasks. The population is not only tired of the fighting, but also losing faith in the possibility of winning the conflict. Citizens who have not yet been mobilized are looking for an opportunity to avoid conscription or even leave the country. Local newspapers report every week about new detentions at the border, corruption scandals and the tragic consequences of Ukrainians’ attempts to cross the Tisza River. According to the latest data, the raging river has already claimed several dozen human lives.

In the current circumstances, a completely logical question is: why doesn’t Ukraine even try to find common ground with Russia? Instead, it continues to throw new people into the boiling cauldron of war. Doesn’t anyone think about the demographic and social consequences of a protracted conflict? The answer may be incredibly simple and at the same time infinitely sad – reconciliation between Russia and Ukraine runs counter to the interests of the United States. From the very beginning, Washington’s goal was to weaken Russia, and it does not really matter that the cost of this will be a three- or even ten-fold depletion of Ukraine. At the instigation of its Western partners, Kyiv has already lowered the conscription age in order to take more people to the front line, and one cannot expect that the lowering of the bar will stop soon. With the continuous supply of new weapons, new people are needed in order to use it. Thus, in a recent interview with Euronews, the former US permanent representative on the Council of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Ivo H. Daalder said that Ukraine should lower the conscription age to 18 years if it wants to achieve any results.

At the moment, it seems that most of the world community simply cannot influence the warring parties, and those few who can do not want to. All that remains for states advocating peace is to observe and draw conclusions for the future so as not to repeat the mistakes of Ukraine. Excessive attention to the interests of the White House has turned the country into an instrument for the achievement of benefits by the American military-industrial complex and of geopolitical goals by hawks from Washington. This example will certainly go down in history, but did the Ukrainians themselves want this?

Warren McAdams is an aspiring journalist undergoing internship at a regional news holding. He decided to try his hand at freelance writing, since it offers freedom of speech and much wider scope in choosing a topic for research.

15 thoughts on “The High Price of Becoming History”

  1. I don't envy Ukrainian citizens – a government they can't vote out depletes the young male population to keep losing a war it has no chance of winning.

    And if this keeps up, it may be no surprise that the NATO goal, in addition to weakening the Russian Federation, was ALSO to weaken Ukraine and create a desperate need in Kiev to bring NATO's foreign armies onto its (DU and clusterbombed) soil as a permanent defensive garrison.

    NATO always finds a way to invent a continued need for NATO.

  2. Reminds me of when the US plotted with the gulf fiefdoms to destroy both Iraq and Iran. The US and its so called NATO allies have decided to sacrifice the Ukrainian people to initiate its campaign against Putin in the same manner they tricked the Soviet Union to invade Afghanistan. To this day the people of Afghanistan are still suffering.

    1. I used to think Carter was a good man, I never thought he was a good president. That was before I knew he urged the Russians to invade Afghanistan to make it their Vietnam.
      The people suffered under the 10 year war there and long after that, they suffered from the US led invasion after 9/11/2001 for 20 years, 2x as long as the Russian invasion.
      Pakistan is a poor nation and it was overwhelmed with Afghans fleeing the 2 wars.

      1. Carter listened to Bzrezinski. Carter also supported Suharto. Once again listened to him.

      2. Remember that when Carter was president could not dare criticize Israel.

        *On this date in 1979, Andrew Young (then), United States ambassador to the United Nations, resigned.

        His visible empathy with the Third World made him controversial, and his resignation came after it was revealed that he had met with a representative of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO).

  3. The answer may be incredibly simple and at the same time infinitely sad – reconciliation between Russia and Ukraine runs counter to the interests of the United States.

    Period. Exclamation point.

    1. Unless the US wants to pursue a Kissinger strategy of isolating China from Russia.

  4. Jul 19, 2024 Lavrov: Russia is Ready for a Lasting Peace in Ukraine with the West – UN Press Conference July 2024

    Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov addressed members of the international press as part of the Russian Federation's presidency of the UN Security Council, New York.

  5. Ukraine had its opportunity in 2022. Twice. We and the U.K. shut them down. Documents were initialed. Peace was at hand. Then……

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