Conflicts of Interest: On the March to Nuclear War

On COI #640, Kyle Anzalone breaks down the latest news.

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6 thoughts on “Conflicts of Interest: On the March to Nuclear War”

  1. Excellent reporting, excellent Kyle!!!
    As I normally do…. I suggest some research into Directed Energy Weapons, as they are being utilized to replace or perhaps in tandem with…l

    1. Given your facination with Energy Weapons, I suspect that you are an avid Sci-fi fan…

      1. They might end up being significant. I don’t really follow such things, but I want to say there’s hope for them as a means of inexpensively and reliably destroying drones, projectiles, missiles, etc.

        If we ever have a big war directly between major powers, we’ll witness terrible new weapons. And I guess we’ll eventually see the same even against lesser powers.

        The US, today, uses starvation regularly. It’s a small step from that to just total war attacks using everything against civilians. Israel uses white phosphorus.

        The genetic vaccines should have been known to be dangerous. They were given out, even forcibly administered. I mean I wouldn’t really be surprised by some horrific future war. However, I would love to live away from any war risk.

  2. Arming Taiwan seems less harmful than arming Ukraine. Taiwan is obviously part of China, but Taiwan doesn’t threaten anyone. It just spies on China. However, Taiwan has invested in China and should, in a sense, have a positive relationship overall.

    Ukraine was arguably a threat, arguably caused problems in Crimea, etc. That doesn’t exist in Taiwan. Taiwan shouldn’t much matter to China except as a symbol.

    The only thing that could justify a Chinese invasion is fear of something equivalent to Taiwan pursuing nukes. Similarly, nothing could fully protect Taiwan except for something equivalent to nukes…

    1. Why exactly do we need to worry about either Taiwan or Ukraine? They are thousands of miles from our borders.

      1. I don’t worry about them, but the US needs to waste money on something. Without MIC waste, you’d have a large middle class, less surveillance, fewer mansions in northern Virginia…

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