Conflicts of Interest: In the Crosshairs of the US, Syria and Iran Build Ties with Other Nations

On COI #641, Kyle Anzalone and Connor Freeman discuss the conflicts raging in the Middle East.

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4 thoughts on “Conflicts of Interest: In the Crosshairs of the US, Syria and Iran Build Ties with Other Nations”

  1. Syria and Iran need to build ties with other nations in order to counter the USA and Israel's aggression in the ME and to end Israel's invasion of Lebanon and its genocide of Gaza.

  2. This country of mine, America, is not a nice place. It is an ugly place, with small pockets of good people. It is governed by the MIC, the donor class, and of course AIPAC. How did we get this way? Or, has this country always been this way? I don't know. I just see one big clunker of a nation that likes to advertise its "goodness". I am 80, and I am very tired.

    1. I guess it feels like things are finally changing. Israel will attempt to drag things out, but they’re losing their grip in the US. Everything changes.

      So, Israel wants to boot out the Palestinians while it still can.

    2. The US is essentially facing Colonialism II. The first version involved Europeans taking land here, and the second version involves everyone else moving in to take from the Europeans.

      Israeli power seems tied to Colonialism I, which is dying. Old whites won’t live forever.

      I’ve met Latin Evangelicals. They are a thing, but it just feels like a dying movement. Zionism is also tied to WWII. WWII is fading.

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