Conflicts of Interest: Harris Seeks Split From Biden on Israel Policy

On COI #644, Kyle Anzalone discusses the Israeli onslaught in Gaza.

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11 thoughts on “Conflicts of Interest: Harris Seeks Split From Biden on Israel Policy”

  1. rocks it for Peace and Sanity! Kyle, we thank you, tremendously! Thanks for helping us all to keep our focus! Your voice is amongst the best!!!

    1. Got an election a comin". Got to spread the "good" bullsh*t. If she does shift positions, then AIPAC will stop the money going to democrats. So, I foresee the B.S. continuing, as a stall while Palestinians are chewed up then cast into the Sinai. To die. Then she can crow, "well I tried".
      Mr. Trump would be no different. None.

    1. RFK JR said: "In Terms of the traditional Democratic principles, I don't think she has a credible record".
      Neither do RFK nor Trump. They say she's not pro Israeli enough. She and Biden are like Trump and RFK but they occasionally criticize Israel and continue to aid and abet its war crimes. Neither RFK nor Trump criticize Israel and say they should "finish the job". The American people should finish the job by not electing Zionists.

      1. Everything is tied to politics which everyone needs to understand the root, “Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.” Ernest Benn

        1. Then pointing at adversaries and tell their constituents that they are the problem. Without putting forth anything that solves the problem. Slight of hand.

          1. The ultimate solution is ending Central Banking, since all wars are bankers wars. With very little effort this will help eliminate the global peristaltic issues.

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