Israel Attacks Iran and Lebanon – Biden-less Biden Admin Pledges Full Support

On today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

While President Biden continues to be out of the picture, his Administration just pledged full support to Israel after its shocking attack on both Tehran and Beirut in the past 24 hours. Will the feckless Administration allow the US to be dragged into war in the region? Also today, acting Secret Service head who denied additional resources to Trump now tells Congress he’s ready to “reform” the Secret Service.

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Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

15 thoughts on “Israel Attacks Iran and Lebanon – Biden-less Biden Admin Pledges Full Support”

  1. Better watch out, better not cry better not shout, I’m telling you why…
    They can all fight back!……

    1. Dang it, Donna, y'all need to stop with the Christmas carols in July ! I know we might not make it to December as a civilization or a species, but you're not Costco !

      (bad enough, a Spirit Halloween store opened for business in my town LAST WEEK)

  2. Biden has stepped down from seeking reelection, but presumably he's still President for all intents and purposes ? Is he just unseen at Camp David, still recovering from the Deadliest Disease In Human History?

      1. Covid. There were people on my street who lost loved ones. I know of several members of my church who died of Covid. I know of no one who became ill due to the vaccine, or died.

        1. 1. Deaths/injuries from the vaccine are difficult to prove. I do have a family member who was likely injured from it, and I’ve talked to an optometrist who has seen retinal damage.

          2. Many die from the flu, and the flu seemed gone during Covid.

          Anyway, the vaccine scared the heck out of me. I took vitamins and never became badly ill. I didn’t just take a multivitamin.

    1. He can (kind of) dictate policy in secret. Let Kamila take the eyes off the ball. Mr. Trump too (he really endeared himself with blacks during his interview with Rachel Scott). Gaza horror will remain on the back pages of media reporting.

      1. Is Mrs. Biden possibly running things like with that nice Woodrow Wilson fellow some years back ?

  3. "Will the feckless Administration allow the US to be dragged into war in the region?"

    Once again for the retarded: there IS NO "DRAGGING" the US anywhere. The US is fully on board for a wider war. If this isn't obvious after ten months of the US directly assisting genocide, I don't know what to tell you.

    People, stop listening to the MSM who are the ones telling you that there is a conflict between the US and Israel. There IS NO conflict. They are joined at the hip and their goals are perfectly aligned. Any alleged "conflict" is purely play-acting intended to mislead the moronic US electorate.

    1. To borrow from 'Braveheart' (1995)…

      William Wallace / Apartheid State of Israel : "I'm going to pick a fight."

      Hamish / USA : (following along) "Well, we didn't get dressed up for nothing."

  4. Sometimes the United States is compared to the new Rome, but what is not considered is that great powers in ancient as well as in modern times rise and fall one after another. Rome realistically fell and became a secondary power in 2nd century CE, just like Carthage, Athens and earlier powerful city states went down.

    The ancient Hebrews were antagonistic to Rome and had wars with the Romans. The modern Hebrews with their lobby have become like an arrogant aristocratic group attached to the current political system in the US. The modern militaristic chauvinistic Hebrew state is like a military garrison of the US in the Middle East.

    The situation in the US is now similar to the situation in France a few or several years before the French Revolution. When or if revolts, turmoil or change happen in the US, they would be directed against the establishment and against the aristocratic group(s) attached to it. The world is changing and becoming multipolar. In a couple of decades the US will very likely go down to be a secondary power, and its military garrison in Middle East, aka the zio state and its army, will go down, will be held accountable and will be dealt with appropriately.

  5. Harris or Trump will give Israel the same support Biden is giving it. Netanyahu wants Trump to be the next POTUS.
    Trump says the US should stay out of the Ukraine War because it's far away and Europe should decide how to deal with it.
    The Middle East is even farther away than Ukraine and Trump will let Netanyahu "finish the job of genocide". He won't say the US should stay out of it and let the Middle Eastern Nations decide how to handle it.

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