Conflicts of Interest: Will Biden Take the US to War with Iran for Netanyahu?

On COI #648, Kyle Anzalone breaks down the latest news from the Middle East.

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19 thoughts on “Conflicts of Interest: Will Biden Take the US to War with Iran for Netanyahu?”

  1. Biden "taking us" implies he has some agency in the affair. Israel is going to lead and Biden (or whomever is president) along with congress and MSM will follow obediently.

      1. If the idiots in Washington, in "lockstep" with the neo-Nazis in Tel Aviv have their way, it could happen. With the US Empire circling the drain, war is the one great export we can depend on.

        1. Even our military is outsourced. If we war with China, China will make a fortune selling us all the parts.

    1. Israel trained the US Government Lapdogs at a dog obedience school. Biden and Harris are the "MISLEADERS OF THE PACK".

  2. Everyone please utilize Iran’s Press TV as they are broadcasting in English at our request and giving in-depth coverage of rapidly developing events.We are all heading for the sh-t quickly!

  3. From what I am hearing on Press TV, thus far, there will be a response from Iran to all of this business!

  4. The so called "cease fire talks" have always been a one sided effort. Genocidal Maniac Netanyahu is a LIAR, never intended to stop the slaughtering, his game was STALL and KILL. The US has and always will sponsor, all efforts that Israel makes to KILL whoever they want. The only way that changes, is if we STOP voting for Zionist in Congress and Zionist Presidents. We need REAL Americans in D.C., committed to upholding ALL Laws, including International Laws. Israel should have been kicked out of all lands they illegally occupy years ago, following International Laws and thus we wouldn't be worried about WW111 right now. Think about it, the Palestinians fighting for their "Freedom", "Rights", "Liberation" for decades and it is the US, UK, Europe and Israel who have prevented it. Why else would the Palestinians depend on Iran to save them?

  5. The US empires ruling cliché wants war with anyone and everyone for their profit and hegemony irrespective of what ‘party’ or individual public puppet it is directed through.

  6. This is God’s way of showing us all the error of our ways…
    Humankind’s own inhumanity towards itself!
    Peace is the way of Christ!
    This IS the stuff in Prophecy!!!

    1. No. The biblical prophecies are speaking of the impending End Times that will come at conflict between the Martian Confederation (Mars, the Jovian Moons Alliance, and the Trojan Collectives) and the New Terran Ascendancy (Earth and Free Luna), in the year 2461 C.E.

      Everything written in the Bible ~2100 years ago is referring to THAT. We right now are like everyone before us – just living in the "middle zone" between when the prophecies were written and when they are actually MEANT to come true, well AFTER us.

  7. Could it be the US is actually wanting war with Iran under the cover of defending Israel?

  8. July 25, 2024: "From a pr0ud Israeli Zionist to a proud [Joe Biden] Irish American Zionist, I want to thank you for 50 years of public service and 50 years of support for the State of Israel," Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu replied.
    2024: Bibi Congress speech to the USA Congress: 23 standing ovations for a total of 10 minutes and 55 seconds.
    Not only President Joe Biden but also the Congress.

  9. The answer is yes.
    Biden is an Israeli asset for Netanyahu. He still going to be in the White House as a lame duck American president, but he could render a last service to the Zionists.
    Netanyahu will do everything to draw the United States into a war with Iran while Biden sits in the White House until next January.

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