Conflicts of Interest: White House Withheld Docs Revealing Hunter’s Corruption

On COI #657, Kyle Anzalone breaks down the latest embarrassment for Hunter Biden.

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8 thoughts on “Conflicts of Interest: White House Withheld Docs Revealing Hunter’s Corruption”

    1. "Deceit? From on high…?"

      You would be hard pressed to find anybody higher than Hunter.

  1. Biden crime family peddled US government influence and support to Ukraine for personal financial gain. And what was the consequence? The flunky son was charged with a fallacious and flimsy gun paperwork violation. This is ‘justice’ (sic) under law in the 21st century amerikan imperial police State.

      1. I feel like we're describing the majority of both political parties, although the Bidens really take it to new lows.

        1. The law applies to those who get in the way.

          It might not apply to Dubya, but it certainly applied to Jim Traficant. It would apply to Dennis Kucinich or Tulsi Gabbard, RFK.

          There’d be varying applications. If Trump makes bank from serving Israel, even he might get a pass.

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