Conflicts of Interest: Germany Blames Ukraine for Nord Stream Bombing

On COI #658, Kyle Anzalone discusses the latest news from Ukraine and Israel.

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6 thoughts on “Conflicts of Interest: Germany Blames Ukraine for Nord Stream Bombing”

    1. Well, next the USA needs to decide which narrative best obscures its own complicity.

      Do they endorse the [German Idea], that NATO's Pet Project (Ukraine) "attacked" a NATO ally as-and-after receiving military aid from Germany directly and by proxy ?

      Or do they recommit to the [Original Horses**t Idea], that the Russian Federation sabotaged its OWN pipeline in order to deny itself financial and resource influence over Germany specifically and the EU generally?

      I mean, to American leaders who know their own Navy divers did it, which implausible Idea is more sell-able than what actually happened ?

      1. Poland accuses Russia of sabotaging the pipeline. They gave Germany a list of Russian suspects they want Germany to investigate. Germany didn't seem to take it seriously.

    2. The same group trying to sell this Ukraine concept is the one that sold the idea of Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction.

  1. NATO and the U.S. would never do this. Sarc/off!

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