Patriots, Parasites, and the Regime

What motivates patriots to enlist?  Patriots love the idea of America, yes, but first and foremost, they subordinate their love of the intangible to the tangible: their family, friends, and neighbors.  They believe in their fellow Americans so much that they’re not only willing to risk their life for them, they’re yearning to kill the people – “foreign and domestic” – who dare to threaten their fellow Americans.  Patriots feel it their duty to defend what they deem sacred, and that alone should help clarify why rates of enlistment haven’t recovered since the regime desecrated what’s sacred in 2020.

“The government” is often regarded as a saintly organization that cares only for the people it claims to serve; however, contrary to what the reader and author alike have been taught for years, decades, etc. – yes, the brainwashing has been overwhelmingly thorough – the government is not some charitable organization that acts solely based on the citizens’ needs.  No, “the government,” which sounds robotic and deceives the reader, implies that a robot can’t possibly harbor selfish, human nature.  Even the righteous bureaucrat cannot evade “the natural law of parsimony (the most gain for the least effort).”  Like any other organization, “the government” is comprised of people – but not just any people.  “The government” – henceforth, “the regime” and its “parasites” – is, more often than not, comprised of people who worship power.  Yes, “parasite” – like it or not – is the only way to accurately describe someone who lives off of another.  They are not helping their fellow Americans; they are parasitizing and persecuting the very same people they claim to be serving, all the while promising that it’s in our best interest.

Patriots who’ve considered enlisting can see as well as anyone how their would-be employer treats what is sacred, whether it be the intangible – the American way of life – or the tangible: family, friends, and neighbors.  The regime does not care for its fellow Americans, whom they deem annoying, inconvenient, and a threat not to democracy but to their hegemony.  The regime cares only for its fellow parasites – foreign and domestic – not because these are the caring type but because ‘caring’ helps maintain their control.  While the people of Flint, Michigan and East Palestine, Ohio still suffer, the regime cares for Ukraine’s parasites.  While the people of Maui, Hawaii still suffer, the regime cares for Israel’s parasites.  And while the people of Western North Carolina still suffer, the regime tells us that we should be more concerned with the upcoming elections than with caring for our family, friends, or neighbors.  Adding insult to injury, the regime pits our fellow Americans against each other because an angry, divided populace is easier to manipulate than a decentralized but united people.  Not only do we not need the parasites, we cannot flourish with them.

Why are rich doctors flying supplies on their private jets to Western North Carolina?  Isn’t that the regime’s job?  Isn’t that the regime’s only job – to help the people it claims to be serving?  Furthermore, shouldn’t such a selfless act wholly discredit the parasites’ existence?  After all, the rich doctors who donate their time and resources pay more in taxes than most earn as a salary, only to then be coerced to pay the regime to do the job that these doctors are doing themselves.  Again, not only are the parasites not helping us, the greatest opportunity for all materializes only without them.  All of us – parasites included – would be better off if they were to find gainful employment in the real economy instead of living off of us while claiming that we can’t live without them, which, in some instances, they’re no longer even pretending (“no more money, sorry”).  In which scenario is the aspiring military recruit actually helping his family, friends, or neighbors: helping the people of Western North Carolina or killing the people of Western Russia?

The would-be recruit is aware of the fact that the parasites are more than happy to lead our country into war with, say, Russia, Iran, or China than to help Americans.  What did the Iranian people do to your family, friends, or neighbors?  What about the Russian people or the Chinese people?  I doubt that most Americans have great affection for other countries’ people, but do we want to kill them?  No, but that’s what the parasites desire, as dead patriots in foreign lands are less threatening than the bona fide patriots within our borders.  Any escalation of violence between other countries’ parasites and ours is only their ‘business,’ but, curiously, this seems to be the only time that we don’t ‘need’ the parasites; they tell us that they need us (to fight, kill, and be killed).  Due to its unbridled, pathological hubris, the regime is wholly unaware that the potential recruit might wish to do something besides die for it.

And it’s not just the military that’s causing patriots to dispense with their patriotism and to instead focus on their family, friends, and neighbors.  The passive-aggressive barbarism known as “democracy” – increasingly less passive by the day – reveals the obvious.  The current president isn’t “running the country,” and, as with the previous one, the next one won’t either.  Why is the “land of the free” seem to so desperately crave abuse from so-called leaders who, by the poison of politics, only make life worse for the rest of us?  Is it a lack of confidence?  Yes, and the would-be recruit who changed his mind is aware that we’re no longer the “home of the brave.”  Americans need another president as much as we need another war; unfortunately, we’ll likely get both in short order, which has patriots trading the political nonsense for what actually matters – family, friends, and neighbors – our country.

Casey Carlisle writes in the Pacific Northwest.

4 thoughts on “Patriots, Parasites, and the Regime”

  1. Patriotism has been poorly defined as unquestioned obedience to the State.

    It should be viewed as, and strived for, those who speak Truth to the State for the benefit of the Nation.

  2. Patriotism is for morons. There's a difference between growing up in your country, knowing how to operate there, and liking the place – and being a slave of the place.

    The difference is quite simple: do you need to fight someone who is actually imminently threatening YOU and your lifestyle – or are you being asked to fight someone you don't even know because someone TOLD you you need to and you didn't bother to look into whether that was actually true?

    In other words, are you a true individualist or are you a moron?

    Most of America (and most other countries) are morons. That includes me, since I enlisted in the US Army in 1967 and got sent to Vietnam. The only saving grace for me is that I wasn't dumb enough to be conscripted since that would have made me infantry – and I wasn't quite THAT stupid.

    After seeing how the US Army was run, it was clear to me that only morons join the military. Of course, the real problem is that America has an "education system" which produces only morons who are ignorant of their personal value and have no analytical skills except what they might pick up on their own outside of the system. They are "educated" only to be worker drones and "patriots", i.e., slaves of the ruling class.

    Most of the world is like that. Which is why you have wars.

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