Happy Birthday to Justin Raimondo: Remembering Antiwar.com’s Co-Founder

Antiwar.com co-founder Justin Raimondo passed in 2019.  He would have been 73 today.

Justin had been a close friend and political partner of mine since 1976.   We started Antiwar.com in 1995.

You can read about his life here.   He wrote close to 3,000 articles for Antiwar.com which you can read here.

Here is a mostly-complete archive of Libertarian Vanguard, the newspaper of the first Libertarian Party Radical Caucus, which was run by Justin Raimondo, Eric Garris, Murray Rothbard, Roy Childs, Colin Hunter, Bob Costello,  Chris Weber, Diane Pilcher, Scott Olmsted, Johnnie Gilman, and others.   Justin Raimondo was the editor and wrote most of the content.  It existed from 1979 to 1984 and operated out of Libertarian Books and Periodicals in San Francisco.

Justin wrote a regular column for Chronicles MagazineHis archive is available here.    They will allow you to read two articles at no cost but then require you to subscribe.

We at Antiwar.com all miss Justin very much.