Lindsey Graham: Ukraine War ‘All About Money’

On today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Sen. Lindsey Graham let the cat out of the bag: the war in Ukraine is a resource war where the US and its corporate elite are determined to snatch the trillions below and above ground in Ukraine before neighboring Russia takes over. Over a million have died or been injured in the war according to recent estimates, but that is not enough for Graham. Also today – Walmart de-wokifies itself. Finally… new missiles to Japan to target China?

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

10 thoughts on “Lindsey Graham: Ukraine War ‘All About Money’”

  1. “We” will be rich!! It’d be “socialist” to give anything to American workers, but certain individuals would get rich. Most of them might have US citizenship, among other citizenships.

  2. Most US wars have been about stealing other countries resources.

    U.S. invaded Afghanistan to loot its mineral wealth: philosopher
    "TEHRAN – A retired professor of philosophy at the University of Minnesota says the U.S. war on Afghanistan was intended to loot the country’s mineral wealth.

    “Osama bin Laden had nothing to do with 9/11,” James Fetzer notes.

    “The U.S. invaded Afghanistan in order to loot its vast mineral wealth – including the largest lithium deposit outside of Bolivia, where lithium is used for components in computers, triggers for nuclear devices, and electric car batteries – and to resurrect the poppy fields,” Fetzer tells the Tehran Times.

    After the U.S. exit from Afghanistan, many critics have raised questions about the reasons for the twenty-year war waged under the pretext of fighting terrorism.

    Unlike American officials who say that the war was launched to track down down terrorist groups, some political observers point to economic interests that attracted Americans to Afghanistan."

    1. Actually, Afghanistan was all about the poppy plant for the CIA drug trade Smith. Review the charts in this article for great insights.

      June 10, 2014 Drug War? American Troops Are Protecting Afghan Opium. U.S. Occupation Leads to All-Time High Heroin Production×682.jpg

  3. Why is the White House stealing $7bn from Afghans?

    Why does the US still control every penny of Iraqi oil revenues?
    Washington has maintained control over Iraq’s oil revenues since its illegal 2003 invasion – a financial and economic subjugation that undermines Iraqi sovereignty and denies it access to its own national treasure.

  4. Lindsay Graham said the quiet part out loud. He said it won't cost the US taxpayers a thing to finance the war in Ukraine and start a trade deal with them. That reminds me of Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz saying the Iraq War and its reconstruction would be free to the US taxpayers and Donald Trump saying Mexico would pay for the wall to keep out illegal immigrants.

  5. That's always the delusion; that after destroying a country, or urging a country to destroy itself, the survivors will be so "grateful" to us that they will turn over all their wealth to enrich us. Afghanistan was supposed to be a source of immense mineral wealth; Iraq had "the second largest oil reserves in the world" after Saudi Arabia; the grateful citizens of Libya would allow us to help ourselves to THEIR massive untapped oil reserves; how did all that work out? Not so good,
    Ukraine will be no different. Turns out people don't enjoy being raped. Well, maybe Lindsay Graham does.

  6. Iraq too was supposed to be about money, but the real goal turned out to be spending on the war.

  7. To point out the obvious: Grahamnesty is trying to accuse Russia of taking the valuable areas, and that might indeed be part of Russia’s motivation. However, Russia was also undeniably provoked. It only needed a land bridge due to the troubles it faced with Crimea, and it only took Crimea due to 2014.

    Russia wasn’t going to give up its naval base without a fight.

    Grahamnesty is also hoping to appeal to Trump and perhaps some of his supporters. The US “took the oil” in Syria, and he hopes for a similar appeal here.

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