Girls just wanna have fun….

Everybody having fun, now?

FORT BRAGG, N.C. (AP) — An Army investigator testified Tuesday that Pfc. Lynndie England and other members of her unit told him that photos of naked Iraqi prisoners piled in pyramids and other humiliating poses were taken “just for fun.”

As a military hearing started to determine if England should be court-martialed for her actions at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, Paul D. Arthur testified that when he interviewed her, three months before the prison photos became public in April, she told him the shots were taken while “they were joking around, having some fun, working the night shift.”

Arthur said he believed the reservists from the 372nd Military Police Company, based on Cresaptown, Md., were responding to the stress of being in a war zone.

“It was just for fun, kind of venting their frustration,” Arthur testified.

UPDATE: See Arthur Silber’s post at his Light of Reason blog for a proper rant on the amoral callousness of the US Army being revealed at this hearing.