UK hostage Bigley reportedly beheaded


Various sources are reporting that British hostage Ken Bigley has been beheaded in Iraq.

FALLUJA, Iraq (Reuters) – British hostage Ken Bigley was beheaded near Baghdad on Thursday afternoon, insurgent sources in the rebel-held town of Falluja said on Friday.

Abu Dhabi Television, quoting “informed” sources in Iraq, had said earlier that the militant group led by al Qaeda ally Abu Musab al-Zarqawi had killed Bigley.

Britain’s Foreign Office said it was aware of the reports. “We cannot corroborate the reports … We are in close touch with Mr. Bigley’s family at this difficult time,” a Foreign Office spokesman told Reuters in London.

The insurgent sources said Bigley was killed in the town of Latifiya, about 35 km (22 miles) southwest of the Iraqi capital.

They declined to say how they had got their information.

Britain’s Sky TV, quoting British government sources, also said Bigley had been killed.

Bigley was last seen in a cage, begging Tony Blair for his life, beneath a Tawhid and Jihad flag.

Last week, Bigley appealed, in a video tape released by his kidnappers, to British Prime Minister Tony Blair to meet the captor’s demands to save his life.

“Tony Blair is lying, he is lying when he said he’s negotiated. He has not negotiated. My life is cheap. He doesn’t care about me,” Bigley said while squatting behind metal meshing and looking distraught.

“I am begging you for my life. Have some compassion please,” he said, his voice cracking with emotion.

Blair has said his government will not negotiate with the hostage takers.

I think Ilana Mercer has said what needs to be said about these despicable heads of State who put so little value on human life.

UPDATE: Reuters is reporting that a video showing the Bigley beheading has surfaced, confirming his death.