Rand Paul: Phony As Ever

by | Jun 20, 2012

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) tries to calm the waters roiled by his preemptive endorsement of Mitt “I’d Bomb Iran” Romney by taking to the pages of National Review Online to “rip” (as Conor Friedersdorf put it) Romney’s view that the President doesn’t need separate authorization from Congress to attack Iran. Unfortunately, this “rip” is but a minor tear: you’ll note Sen. Paul doesn’t say how he’d vote on this issue. And  you’ll note also that, in spite of Jack “The Southern Avenger” Hunter’s boast that Rand amended the Iran sanctions bill in the Senate, Rand doesn’t mention this “achievement” in his NRO post (perhaps because it wasn’t an achievement but a sellout, since he voted for the bill).

Rand Paul — still the Hollow Man.

P.S. And where is Hunter’s answer to yesterday’s piece, which he claimed on Facebook he’s “working on”? I won’t hold my breath waiting for it….