Justin Raimondo’s column today inspired me to do this illustration of one of his points:
The pictorial representations of the “Cedar Revolution” that have so far appeared in the Western media have mostly been close-up shots of the comelier females waving flags and smiling coquettishly for the cameras, although this one shot of “pro-democracy” demonstrators dancing ’round a bonfire of what the caption describes as “pro-Syrian newspapers” has certain unfortunate historical connotations. We will doubtless see the Hezbollah/pro-Syria demonstrators depicted in an entirely different manner: no comely lasses and fearless lads here.
Oh, that liberal Western MSM Justin describes is so out of step:
Good thing we have the warbloggers to show us what the media won’t. Notice the date that Instamonger began pointing out that Lebanese pro-democracy demonstrators are all cute little hotties and pro-Syrian demonstrators are all thuggy guys. And the beat goes on! Check out Sunday’s installment.