by | Jul 23, 2013

From (of all places!) National Review:

“The House is scheduled to vote on Wednesday on amendments to the FY 2014 Defense Appropriations Bill, one of which will be the LIBERT-E Act, which would prohibit the National Security Agency from collecting telephone and e-mail meta-data from American citizens who are not under investigation. Representative Justin Amash, a libertarian Republican from Michigan, introduced the amendment in an effort to curtail the agency’s controversial data-collection activities, which were disclosed earlier this year by fugitive ex-NSA-contractor Edward Snowden….

“Meanwhile, the Huffington Post’s Ryan Grim reports this morning that General Keith Alexander, the director of the NSA, has scheduled a meeting with several members of Congress in an effort to build opposition to the amendment.”

Amash and insurgent libertarian Republicans are threatening to sink the whole Defense Appropriations bill unless this amendment is passed — and they need your help! Call your congressional representative(s) today — the vote is on Wednesday!

Don’t know what number to call? Find out here.