Drudge is running a story about ‘controversy’ supposedly stirred up by Pat Buchanan’s most recent column, concerning World War 2. But reading the story is a disappointment, because it’s just a list of personal smear attacks by various muckety-mucks against Buchanan. Where’s the debate? If we have a controversy, I expect a damned debate too. Alas, Pat’s arguments are filled with such things as ‘historical facts’; the other side has abandoned them in an Orwellian attempt to rewrite history so that, for instance, WW2 was now fought to stop the Holocaust. Allied nations apparently knew in 1939 that there would be mass killing of Jews several years into the future, and acted to stop it. And that results in these comments by Ed Koch; “I believe that no decent human being should ever sit down at the same table with Pat Buchanan and I am shocked that otherwise responsible, respectable citizens share platforms with him on Sunday shows.”
I would prefer it if Koch were to read the column and refute the arguments point by point, but as I said, that’s impossible. Any attempt to do so would result in a self-refutation. So Koch has to stoop to smear tactics and insults, such as if I were to say that Kojak, er I mean Koch is a bald-headed stooge. I will refrain from doing so, however, since I’m above that sort of thing.