The US Is ‘Encircling China With Military Bases’


John Reed at Foreign Policy describes “how the U.S. is encircling China with military bases.”

The U.S. military is encircling China with a chain of air bases and military ports. The latest link: a small airstrip on the tiny Pacific island of Saipan. The U.S. Air Force is planning to lease 33 acres of land on the island for the next 50 years to build a “divert airfield” on an old World War II airbase there. But the residents don’t want it. And the Chinese are in no mood to be surrounded by Americans.

…In addition to the site on Saipan, the Air Force plans to send aircraft on regular deployments to bases ranging from Australia to India as part of its bulked up force in the Pacific. These plans include regular deployments to Royal Australian Air Force bases at Darwin and Tindal, Changi East air base in Singapore, Korat air base in Thailand, Trivandrum in India, and possibly bases at Cubi Point and Puerto Princesa in the Philippines and airfields in Indonesia and Malaysia, a top U.S. Air Force general revealed last month.

As I’ve written in the past, these Pentagon plans are part of the Air-Sea Battle strategy. The idea is to have enough US bases and Air Force capabilities peppered throughout the region so that China would be too surrounded to safely attack in the event of a conflict.

“Stealthy American bombers and submarines would knock out China’s long-range surveillance radar and precision missile systems located deep inside the country,” reports the Washington Post.  ”The initial ‘blinding campaign’ would be followed by a larger air and naval assault.”

Not surprisingly, Beijing is none-too-pleased with the fact that Washington is planning contingencies to “battle” China, and militarily encircling China in the Pacific. Imagine the calls for war in Washington if China was backing various Latin American countries with money and weapons and building air and naval bases in the Caribbean with the explicit aim of bombing United States to smithereens.

“Some Asia analysts worry that conventional strikes aimed at China could spark a nuclear war,” according to the Washington Post. Other “critics see a dangerous tendency toward alarmism that is exaggerating the China threat to drive up defense spending.”

No, China has not threatened the U.S. with attack. It has not challenged core “U.S. interests.” The Obama administration simply objects to China’s growing economy and military. Such powers are reserved for America, goes the thinking. So, we’ll threaten anyone who challenges that with war.

105 thoughts on “The US Is ‘Encircling China With Military Bases’”

  1. Word of love and appreciation and greeting fulfillment and private
    Greeting fill all the meanings of brotherhood and friendship
    Greetings from the Heart to Heart
    Thank you with all my heart ;:

  2. Anti-war activists are still fixated on Iran, but not Brzezinski is not – his target is China, TWENTY times bigger than Iran, with ICBMs ready to launch, followed by Russia, the world's biggest nuclear power.

  3. why aren't there ANY well-off 1-10%-types who would sponsor writers or artists like_lihn dihn? ! don't any of them watch anything besides what's at the MET or MOMA or symphony? why are "starving artist" or "homeless" and " hungry americans" common terms? it's pathetic! ……… we know why.. the USG (and its underbelly) too busy destroying and stealing in foreign countries.. which is stupider and uglier the more we see it!

    __well, if ever the citizens could take back this country, lihn dihn must be one of the first poet laureates! or writer-in-residence!………… think he'd go for it? : j linh?

    so true. all his essays are so fine and excellent… and… they remind me of andre vltchek's, also a photographer, also writes with a poet's soul. …. thank you, artists, for trying to save our vision. thank you, JOURNALISTS, human voices for our time.

  4. Then again the "new" arrangement of (old) powers could be considered as 'keeping the cover on' some extremely minor, yet deliberately vital, "intrigues" in SE Asia – the Philippines and Indonesia to name two. When they begin building bases in Mongolia and Russia the Chinese can begin to stress.

  5. The US has no more cash to wage "war." One trillion have has been sunk into Afghanistan and Iraq and both have been disappointments. Where's the cash going to originate from? The economies of America's agent's (Japan & China) aren't doing as such hot nowadays and the US military is confronting sequestering interestingly.

  6. the two minutes of hate have been reruns for a while now, getting tired of Islam-o-fascism©
    im looking forward to some fresh material on whom to hate and fear.

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  12. This opinion is weak for sure. Explain how South Pacific bases that we’ve had since WW II , when we earned every inch of island turf at GREAT cost, is encirclement of China?

    If we had bases in Northern Indochina, Nepal, India, Mongolia, THEN we would be encircling China. Make a point that’s valid or don’t write this fishwrap, eh?

    1. “we earned every inch of island turf at GREAT cost”

      Translation: “We forcibly occupied land belonging to other people and annexed it fair and square”.

      The lands did not belong to Japan because they illegally occupied them, and they do not belong to the US either, just because the US fought with Japan over them. They belong to their true owners.

    2. Diego Garcia, look that attack base up and what yanks did to the inhabitants to steal it.

  13. WWIII will break out shortly after arrogant American Generals convince the President in office, that placing airfields, and submarine bases in Taiwan is a Green light…then, all hell breaks loose; because the Americans just don’t understand…

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