Bill Kristol Calls For Americans to be ‘Awakened and Rallied’ to War


Bill Kristol is not shy about his fetish for war. His latest piece at the neoconservative Weekly Standard borders on self-parody in the way that it openly longs for a return to a time when Americans were eager to send the U.S. military off on unnecessary, imperialistic adventures.

Kristol is frustrated by the “war-weariness” of the nation. He laments the reluctance on the part of the Republican Party to “challenge” “the idol of war-weariness.”

“A war-weary public can be awakened and rallied,” Kristol cheers. “Indeed, events are right now doing the awakening. All that’s needed is the rallying. And the turnaround can be fast.”

People like Kristol are so blinded by ideology that they breach the etiquette which calls on elite commentators to camouflage their enthusiasm for war with superficial appeals to peace. He loves death and destruction and wars of choice and he doesn’t care who knows it! He is way out of the closet. That he can explicitly call for Americans to be “awakened and rallied” for new wars and not be embarrassed by the Hitler-esque tone of such despicable cravings is an indication of how lacking in self-awareness he is. His foreign policy beliefs are the kind that are not susceptible to reasoning or disconfirming evidence. His worship for the warfare state is religious in its persuasion.

Kristol condemns using war-weariness “as an excuse to avoid maintaining our defenses or shouldering our responsibilities.” In other words, the fact that Kristol’s preferred policies were implemented throughout the Bush administration and it led to war crimes, hundreds of thousands killed, trillions of dollars wasted, region-wide instability in the Middle East, and clear geo-political losses for the United States shouldn’t deter us from continuing to spend more than the rest of the world combined on our military or from “shouldering our responsibilities” of ruling the world through force and war.

To Kristol, war-weariness is a kind of ailment that Americans need to be cured of. He calls for war-weary Americans to be rallied to some unspecified military crusade just around the corner. Iran, Russia, China…anything will do, I suppose.

I’m reminded of what Noam Chomsky wrote in his book Media Control about this ailment, or “malady” of being averse to extreme violence and war.

“The Reaganite intellectual Norman Podhoretz defined it as ‘the sickly inhibitions against the use of military force,'” Chomsky writes. “There were these sickly inhibitions against violence on the part of a large part of the public. People just didn’t understand why we should go around torturing people and killing people and carpet bombing them.”

“It’s very dangerous for a population to be overcome by these sickly inhibitions, as Goebbels understood, because then there’s a limit on foreign adventures,” he explains. “It’s necessary, as the Washington Post put it rather proudly during the [first] Gulf War hysteria, to instill in people a respect for ‘martial value.’ That’s important. If you want to have a violent society that uses force around the world to achieve the ends of its own domestic elite, it’s necessary to have a proper appreciation of the martial values and none of these sickly inhibitions about using violence.”

That’s the real threat of our resistance to extreme violence. Anything that puts a limit on foreign adventures is like kryptonite to Kristol and his ilk.

105 thoughts on “Bill Kristol Calls For Americans to be ‘Awakened and Rallied’ to War”

  1. The last 12 days cnn's been wagging the missing jet and building up to some kind of final ending; the two Iranian creations hi-ijacked the jet, hid it to an secret location and loaded it with black market Russian nukes and will fly it into the Whitehouse or turn mossad and head it into Russia.

    1. Best Bet is that it will head into Zionist Israel. That will solve most all of humanities problems.

  2. I think that would be great if the american people rallied for war and dealt with one of the biggest threats to freedom and human rights on the planet… (it's in DC)

  3. Generals gathered in their masses
    Just like witches at black masses
    Evil minds that plot destruction
    Sorcerers of death's construction
    In the fields the bodies burning
    As the war machine keeps turning
    Death and hatred to mankind
    Poisoning their brainwashed minds
    Oh lord yeah!

    Politicians hide themselves away
    They only started the war
    Why should they go out to fight?
    They leave that role to the poor

    Time will tell on their power minds
    Making war just for fun
    Treating people just like pawns in chess
    Wait 'til their judgement day comes

    Now in darkness world stops turning
    Ashes where the bodies burning
    No more war pigs have the power
    Hand of God has struck the hour
    Day of judgement, God is calling
    On their knees the war pig's crawling
    Begging mercy for their sins
    Satan laughing spreads his wings
    Oh lord yeah!

  4. This shows US how these poor excuses for human beings, like this guy, live in the world…these are the kind of "people" who control our information and our foreign policy and our congress folks..this warmongering creaton is "somehow" able to spew this kind of sociopathic crap and get away with it because his buddies control the main stream media….Waste of Skin these bastards.
    There'd be Peace, truth, justice, freedom, health and prosperity for US all..if it werent for these bastards who control our (govt, TV, Congress, dollar, etc, etc.)

  5. I thought of writing some highbrow ridicule of this failed miscarrage and his killer queen ilk in response to seeing the above article about his murderously perverted psycology. But, instead allow me to just say that, the best part of him ran down his mother’s leg.

    We allowed them to build a big toy. Now, it’s playground rules.

  6. It amazes me that amerikans haven't risen up and roped a lasso around this ugly Trotskyite bastards neck after he and his comrades of neocons at the CFR (Rockefeller–Standard Oil) have sent thousands of amerikan soldiers to their deaths and at least 1 million dead in Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan and Syria–but I realize how fluoridated and dumbed down and apathetic the sheeple have become. Amerika truly is the Great Satan, as its masses idol worship tv, sports, porn, ipads so when the day comes that Russia and China nuke amerika it will be entirely deserved.

  7. Yes, Kristol is insane and has agenda items related to the people above him that he curries (and scurries) to for favors and fortunes. There is cash in it for Kristol, as well as his lust for power, even though it is all about the most horrible thing humankind can imagine: hot killing war. However, NOBODY on earth has the power to cause me to lust for any kind of violence any longer. I did lust for power as a youngster when I overcame an opponent, or tore something up in my anger and stupidity, but those days are long departed from me and have no hope of revival. No matter who or what comes to me (or at me) in order to entice me to war, I fully intend to overcome whatever that thing is and put it behind me. No manner of war can be justified with me. War has no place in my consciousness, excepting only for intellectual purposes, as here. The only kind of war I am willing to wage, and in which I am already neck deep, as here, possesses spiritual values ONLY. Although I engaged in plenty of violence when I was a child, those days are long gone, such that I don't countenance any manner of discord in my atmosphere. I change things that come at me with values I don't like. However, I never touch any of the filthy things with my physical senses. ALL the power is invested in the spirit of the thing, and I don't believe it is possible for any disgusting human creature to touch me physically. I have allowed certain kinds of touching in the past, but every time, it made me feel unclean in some way, such as sex and other kinds of violence, including boxing, wrestling, and so on. When humans touch, they transfer all manner of filthy creatures 'twixt themselves. Putting one person's tongue in the mouth of another is too disgusting for me to imagine right now, even though I did it, with relation to females of my species, and thought I liked it at the time. No wonder people are so sick all the time and remain susceptible to various diseases. Humans need to try isolating and insulating themselves from one another. Higher forms of natural health and wholesomeness
    would proliferate.

  8. This guy’s a typical 21st Century Republican.
    Period. End of sentence.

    War = Money. Conservatives love war and the war machine. They’ve all their money invested in it! Be it the big “stealth” toys or hand-held weapons which, like the bible, “every boy should know how to use.”

    Soon they’ll take over America… They’ve corporations, money, power, and plenty of ignorance to do it, too…

  9. No Krsital-night, this war is for you, your tribe, your APricks and dual Shitizens to fight for a change. Won't be rooting for you S-Bags.

  10. We, the People, live under a KLEPTOCRACY. We, the 99%, SUBSIDIZE the 1%, and the District of Corruption makes it happen.

    WATCH OUT FOR FALSE-FLAG EVENTS, From Mar. 19th through May 1st. The International Central Bankers need a war, to cover up the global economic collapse, which they themselves created, in order to gain more control over everything on the planet, ultimately, for purposes of global depopulation.

    Mark Passio On The “Occult Season of Sacrifice” (Mar. 19 – May 1)…

    WHO, exactly, is behind it all? Watch the following, CAREFULLY.

    Michael Tsarion – Red Ice Live: The Brotherhood of Death 1/2…

    Michael Tsarion – Red Ice Live: The Brotherhood of Death 2/2…

  11. We, the People, live under a KLEPTOCRACY. We, the 99%, SUBSIDIZE the 1%, and the District of Corruption makes it happen.

    WATCH OUT FOR FALSE-FLAG EVENTS, From Mar. 19th through May 1st. The International Central Bankers need a war, to cover up the global economic collapse, which they themselves created, in order to gain more control over everything on the planet, ultimately, for purposes of global depopulation.

    Mark Passio On The “Occult Season of Sacrifice” (Mar. 19 – May 1)…

    WHO, exactly, is behind it all? Watch the following, CAREFULLY.

    Michael Tsarion – Red Ice Live: The Brotherhood of Death 1/2…

    Michael Tsarion – Red Ice Live: The Brotherhood of Death 2/2…

  12. Jct: Bill Kristol, the guy who called for the invasion of Afghanistan after the guys who didn't do 911, the guy who called for the invasion of Iraq after the guys who didn't WMDs, and now here he is urging the people he lied lie into previous wars to not be so "war-weary!" He has plenty more planned for them.

  13. Look what happened to Napoleon, Charles IX and Hitler. These neocons ought to pick up a history book. We've also been handed our backsides by Korea, 53, Cuba 61, Vietnam, 75, Lebanon 82, and Iraq 2010, and we still have our finger in the electric socket in Afghanistan. Russia will easily eat our lunch.

  14. this guy only cares about wars for israel.
    thats the real closet he is in.
    shame on you for not saying it.
    and how can you have more wars for israel if the people are against war?

    GET IT?

  15. good
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  16. Bill Kristol is far from the worst. Nixon and the KISSinger of death were two of the world's greatest mass murderers. Nixon is dead (and has been un-demonized) and Kissinger is a national treasure. The talk show hosts love to help him sell books. And that includes Stewart and Colbert. Give him a shovel to dig his own grave. Dr. Strange glove, indeed!

  17. Follow up on Nixon and Kissinger. think of all the lovely carpets they sent to Laos and Cambodia. All donated, and paid for by, the United States of America. Union made, with the Good Housekeeping seal of approval. Ninetynine and 44/100 per cent pure.
    They were made of a new material, called "CARPET BOMBING"

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