Sunday, 35 women activists from 15 countries will march across the Korean DMZ to call for a final peace treaty 62 years after the end of the conflict. The US has continued to oppose a political/diplomatic solution to the "Korean War."
Even though South Korea keeps trying to discourage the march by changing the rules, the activists plan to march tomorrow.
Please sign Code Pink’s petition below calling for a Korean Peace Conference.
Dear United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon,
On this 70th anniversary of Korea’s division, we urge the United Nations to broker a Political Peace Conference, as called for in Article 4 Paragraph 60 of the Korean War Armistice Agreement, to bring together all parties that took part in the Korean War to reach a peaceful settlement. As an international conflict that continues to hamper peaceful relations in East Asia and across the Pacific, it is time to finally end the state of war by replacing the Korean War Armistice with a more permanent Peace Accord.
The Korean War Armistice, the temporary military cease-fire agreement that has lasted for 62 years, has not led to peace. North Korea’s nuclear weapons program, the annual U.S.-South Korea military exercises, the rampant arms race in Northeast Asia, and the continued separation of families are proof of that. It is time for a Peace Treaty to end the hostilities and move forward on reconciliation.
In hopes of peace,
I signed the petition. There should be men as well as women in the march. I wish them good luck.
March on to Jeju Island! No more US bases in East Asia!
All societies need laws for their existence. Even though the laws may be different in each society, yet there are some basic principles that are common to all laws of the world.
interesting topic to read bisnis dropship
Sommetider folk ved ikke, hvornår turisme er en sikreste løsning i at modtage os til at blive sundere. Jeg har nogle idé i dem af jer hvad kan besidde været kede med aktiviteterne i hverdagen, der findes ved i den hensigt at læse artikler relateret i rejse information, som jeg skrev, og titlen eller måske hvis du har mere du kan også lytte til artikler andre attraktioner, som jeg titlen jeg håber det, undertegnede giver over disse kommentarer kan give en positiv værdi plus værd for dig verden.