Why Nothing on Saddam’s Capture?

Asks this fellow, who thinks we’re leftists. I just love political commentary straight from the medulla oblongata: Bush right. Antiwar not Bush. Antiwar left. Left bad. (He must have hated watching this!)

If our esteemed detractor wanted commentary on Saddam’s capture, he could have checked the regularly updated main page, of course. And because I know he wants to be informed, here are some other reactions from our blogroll FOBs:

*Jesse Walker

*Keith Halderman, Wendy McElroy, et al., over at Liberty & Power

*Micah T. Holmquist

*Franklin Harris

*Deux Ego


An incomplete list to be sure, but a wide range of opinion, I’d say. But don’t worry, my warbot friend: after reading the posts above, you can wash your mind out with Instapundit and Jeff Jarvis. Everything’s gonna be fine.